Gingrich ridicules Romney for knowing French

Bevo Incognito

5,000+ Posts
You have to wonder about a Republican group of candidates when one candidate assumes that, to the electorate, being able to fluently speak another language or to have spent time abroad is a BAD thing:

The Link
Yeah that was a lame ad.

Funny how Mitt got is mission assignment to France. He must have good connections in the LDS Church.
You have to wonder about a Republican group of candidates when one candidate assumes that, to the electorate, being able to fluently speak another language or to have spent time abroad is a BAD thing:

Actually, you should be wondering about the Republican electorate more than the candidates. The candidates, to a large part, are a reflection of what that confused muddle values.
I'd be willing to have the Republican electorate judged by the candidates they support....

...if the Democrat electorate is willing to be judged by the OWS arrest reports. Swing and miss.

and to stay on point, outside of the fact that the French stink, I can't fathom how knowing more than one language can possibly be viewed as bad. Unless it's pig latin, because, well, nobody likes pig latin.
I'd be willing to have the Republican electorate judged by the candidates they support....

...if the Democrat electorate is willing to be judged by the OWS arrest reports. Swing and miss.

Yes, you did swing and miss. Badly.

Judge the Dem electorate by the same measure: their candidate(s).

Your game is tired and impotent, for to use your rather ham-handed "switcheroo" tactic means we could also look at the arrest sheets for Republican leaning defendants.
and to stay on point, outside of the fact that the French stink, I can't fathom how knowing more than one language can possibly be viewed as bad.

Then there is indeed much that you cannot fathom, grasshopper.

Remember Freedom Fries? The abuse and ridicule heaped upon Senator Kerry for having a superior education and French awareness? This kind of anti-intellectual ignorance plays well with much of the GOP electorate, which is known more for six-packs, NASCAR, pork rinds, and idiots like Sarah Palin.
sorry to upset your superior intellect, El Guapo.

Republican electorate= Ronmey, Paul, Santorum.
Democrat electorate= Obama.

Happy? I don't think either group is. At least using approval ratings.
Every once in a while I like to eat pork rinds. Those things are strangely tasty. But, I've never watched NASCAR.

And, I can speak 3 languages.
Happy? I don't think either group is. At least using approval ratings.

You have fallen to the dreaded HornFanz disease: making things up/not knowing what you're talking about. It seems to be epidemic here....

Here are ratings from last month, i.e., how the Dems felt about the O-Man.

GROUPS – Obama continues to hang tough in his own party; 82 percent of Democrats approve of his job performance overall....

According to you, 82% of Dems approving of Obama is not "happy". What percentage would be enough for your? 90%?

Ohh Dalhorn, no you did unt! Dare you go with Perham startin a hornfan message board fight!

Staying outta this one
mcbrett, I didn't go flinging poo toward him, and I don't intent to any further. Anyone that mocks six-packs and pork rinds is no concern of mine. I'll leave the internet tough guy act to others on this site.

What is respectable? Anything that is German, English, Irish, Czech, or Austrian. In addition, most Austin microbrews are respectable. Bottom line - if it isn't made by Coors, Miller, or AB, it is probably (though not necessarily) respectable.
Remember when Sarah Palin mocked Obama for being Ivy educated? A lot of people ate that up.

In fact- I just found the video clip of it right here: Mocking Ivy Educated people as elite, effete and out of touch

I remember 12th grade at my humble little San Antonio high school- in a matter of months from taking the SAT to applying to selecting a University- some people went from "that guy" to "that Stanford/Harvard" guy. The only difference between us wasn't money, habits etc- it was their grades and SAT score- that was all. Of course- they were mocked by a few who just months before were their friends because now suddenly they were at great schools. And, if I had to guess- the guys who made fun of them grew up to be the people you hear today mocking people for being well educated or cultured. And when I told people I was headed towards Austin- I remember it didn't go over well with a few friends headed towards 'lesser' schools. It's just the nature of how people handle our differences.

I know a few conservative posters here on the board who will attack and mock anyone with Stanford/Ivy League like credentials- the topic has certainly come up before.
"Those who despise science and learning are not anti-elitist. They are morally and intellectually slothful people who are secretly envious of the educated and the cultured."

(a pithy quote I read in the the Comments section of the NYTimes back during the 2008 Election. )
I'm certainly not one to make fun of someone for being educated. However, in my personal experience, I don't notice anything special about those who went to Ivy League schools.

I went to Baylor Law School, which is certainly reputable in Texas. However, a Stanford, Harvard, or Yale Law grad would make fun of a Baylor Law grad. On occasion I dealt with graduates of these schools, and most of the time, they were not especially sharp or competent. They often were unprepared in the courtroom and had a weak grasp of the rules of procedure and evidence. In fact, I knew a few graduates of Texas Southern (which can barely hold its accreditation each year) that were better lawyers and smarter than some these arrogant choads from Harvard.

The bottom line is that we're as smart as we want to be. Going to an Ivy League school won't make you smart if you're undisciplined and lazy. Furthermore, going to a relatively crappy school won't make you dumb if you're dedicated and work hard.

I know the Ivy League schools turn out some brilliant folks. However, I think those folks are brilliant because of their work ethic and dedication, not because of where they went to school. I think you could put them at a mediocre public university, and they'd do just as well.
Education is not a simple manufacturing assembly line.
An individual can motivate himself and learn without any college, or can go to the best college and learn very little. But that doesn't change the fact that there are better opportunities to learn at better schools, because the better professors, better research libraries and labs, and better students are there.
Now back to the main point-if we hold a HornFans beer summit, we will welcome beers from the United States, Belgium, England, Germany, Scotland, Ireland, and even Italy and Japan, but not from France! Maybe Gingrich is right.

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