I was with my ex-wife for almost ten years, 6 or 7 dating and 3 of marriage. I am 26 and have now been divorced for a month. I am ready to move on with my life, but unfortunately in a moment of weakness, I agreed to buy a house two years ago. Obviously we have picked the best time to sell a house b/c the market sucks. As I said I am ready to move on, but am finding it extremely difficult considering I still have to be somewhat attached to my ex. Things did not end poorly, but I feel like I just want my own space and cannot get it as long as I am in this house. I also cannot afford two rents a month. She is living in our home town with her parents, so she is still paying the other half of the mortgage. I have tried dating some, but it is obviously difficult when I am in a house half owned by my ex and when I have to converse with her occasionally....apparently girls don't like you talking to your ex-wife...imagine that. I just want my life and I feel like it is on hold right now. And for some reason I felt like the best way to get this out is to post it on a message board to basic strangers.