Gerry Hamilton is joining BurntOrangeBeat

SL Xpress

500+ Posts
It was announced today that Gerry Hamilton will be the co-owner of BurntOrangeBeat, the affiliated Longhorn site.

For anyone who has followed high school recruiting over the years, Gerry has put in an unbelievable amount of time scouring the Texas high schools collecting information on the bests talent the state has to offer.

Here's a link to the announcement:
The Link
I joined as soon as Gerry left Orangebloods. He provides a great service, excellent evaluations and none of Ketchum's ego.
"After joining Burnt Orange Beat I am thinking of dropping Orangebloods. Think that site has a lot of potential."

I've been at BOB for a little while now. I would certainly encourage any Horn fan to sign up. Well worth the $10/mo.

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