Geno's comment about Texas

Just Geno being Geno. He's a jerk who plays mind games with his players and chastises them publicly among other things. Why any young lady would want to play for him is beyond my ability to comprehend.
I love this comment. Love him or hate him, he says what he thinks. And he is probably right about this one. UCONN is going to be scary good for several years to come.

"Next year, we are going to be even better than we are this year," Auriemma said. "So if you can't beat us this year, how are you going to beat us next year?"
Some of ya'll are really sensative..and need to take the orange colored glasses off for a second.
He has 5 National Championship trophies in his trophy case.. ..thats more than The University of Texas, Coach Conradt, and Coach G. COMBINED !!!
And none of them are from 30 years ago.
I took it as a compliment from a great coach and a great program.

Hook Em
Beat the Huskies !!!
You guys seem to be confused between the smack talking by fans before a game and the conventional ESPN talking heads “educated” predications. Maybe NCAA should give UCONN a second-round bye rather than have a game scheduled.
not liking geno's comments has nothing to do with being sensitive. and yes....he does play mind games with players, but that is just one of many reasons a lot of people don't like him. i don't think there is any excuse for calling out players publicly as he did with diana several years ago. he wasn't just critical of her effort or performance...other coaches have been known to do the same on occasion...he crossed the line and made some pretty nasty and personal comments. the episode created headlines and even offended his own school, many fans and apparently diana's family also. at the time the comments were made diana was one of the most decorated players in history (many were calling her the best ever) and she had already delivered multiple national titles to the program. geno may have won more national titles than any other coach but one, and if you want to equate his success with his questionable behavior so be it. personally i don't think the two go hand-in-hand; he's a great coach and i doubt results would have been much different had he addressed issues in private. most of us don't know what goes on behind the scenes anyway. can anyone imagine jody, or gg, making the kinds of public comments or calling out players in the way geno has? both have addressed performance of lack thereof by players, but did so in an appropriate manner. the issue has nothing to do with success or winning titles...if geno has a right to say what he wants to then others, including many who support his program, have a right to say they don't like it.
'just saying...

GG, coaches, staff, players have done remarkably well this season. Sure they have lost some games they were expected to win, But they have also won games they were not given a prayer by the most of the nation's wcbb fans.

This game, Texas is clearly the underdog. However I would not dare bet against the horns tonight. Stranger stuff has happened. Under the right conditions, UConn can be beat by the Horns or anybody else, even on their other home court. You can't go in there half a**. Gail and company won't. UConn may even be looking ahead of this game. If they are, their mistake. I hope the horns make 'em pay like they stole somethin'. Whoop 'em real nice, break something (figure of speech folks). I ain't just saying that cause im a tenn fan. Gail G. has got my respect and admiration. , Gee-no Auralenema & company, don't!

I will betcha this. I bet GG doesn't believe for a pico-second that her team can't win this game. She's going in it tonight for one thing, thats to come out a with a big W. There is no quit, no rollover, just sheer determination and smarts. No one gets a pass to the national championship. Not UConn, not Tenn, nobody.

David took down Goliath. It ain't the size of the Longhorn in the fight, its the fight in the Longhorn.

Hook 'Em!


edited fer grammar
UCONN has 16,000 fans in the stands when they play at Hartford, and 11,000 at Storrs. Some super stars thrive on the crowd interaction and publicity and that's why they go to UCONN. (Big selling point for Taurasi) Some even want to win national championships. Go figure.
When WE start winning like UConn (and that day is not far off), and WE are ranked #1, WE will be getting 11,000 + at our games...

And when we are poised to win a National Championship, well, WE will not have the pitiful crowds in the stands when out of town.

Yep...and I hear they put on quite a show for the recruits during the games when they come to visit. I hear that it is quite the spectacle.
Geno's comment about the number of students at Texas is kinda of stupid. It's not high school where the more students in a school, the more likely one has a bigger pool of talent than one's opponent who has a smaller enrollment.

Driftwood, your comment below is unclear. Did you mean that only those players that want to win championships go to UConn? I sure hope you don't think that the players that decided to come to Texas came here without the expectation of winning a championship.
In reply to:

The Big 12 may be deep but not filled with elite teams. Did the Big 12 go 0-5 against the Big East?

IMO, we need to quit bellyaching about who said what and look at the results and acknowledge where the talent is. Once we get to the point where the talented recruits are coming to the Big 12 then we will have the option of behaving the way we want and hopefully we will handle it with class.
I never saiid he wasn't an accomlished coach. I said he was an *ss. I never said UConn didn't have an elite WBB program. I said I prefer UT to UConn.

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