Genius idea

A bit more info on why the coaches are telling Chris to cut out the belly rub-which I thought was great and not a putdown of the other team. That official that got in Gary's face is a killjoy.

The Whys of Texas: Defensive tackle Chris Nelson’s belly-rubbing days may be over |
Ironically, the Texas Tummy Rub happened on two consecutive plays. Linebacker Gary Johnson made a big stop, jumped up and rubbed his belly, too. One of the game officials immediately saw it, ran and got in Johnson’s face and the senior hustled back to the huddle. Then Nelson did his on the next play but appeared to get away with it.
F that. How long have we watched players toss the Horn's down, the very definition of taunting. If he has to, he can make it more subtle, but the first time they flag it I hit the officials about the Horns down. They don't respond, I take it a hell of a lot further.