RIP. A legend indeed! Him and Art Shell on the same O-line, mustve have sucked to be a dt or de on a team playing the Raiders. He definately will be missed
why is there all of this love for Upshaw this week all of a sudden?? I dont want to sound negative, but all you ever heard about him before was how he was screwing (their words) all of the former NFL players from their medical coverage, etc, and was more in-tune to the players of today--I mean, Ditka, etc were all talking negatively towards him---remember ESPN doing an OTL special about former players who were still struggling with their injuries and looking for the NFLPA for help and not receiving any--I know the guy just died, but all you hear about now is comments from guys who played with him (albeit Tom Jackson did comment on his play) and not from guys who were upset from him earlier--anyone else getting the same impression??