Gators break BCS trophy

So how much will the paperweights made from the fragments go for? I bet that's what Texas would do with the pieces.
Must not have meant much to em... having it carelessly stored or in a temp coaches office close enough to the edge of a table to get knocked off? Damn thing should have been in a trophy case or at least somewhere it was safer.
Maybe they knew something.
They got 2, the one that broke was the warehouse spare. The one from the game is stored some where else, probably a more secure location like a utility closet.
how about Texas buying 3 crystals for 63, 69, and 70. I never really liked that. Take the trophys you get at the time.

I am now prepared to get BBQd.
What the article didn;t say was that it was apparently a recruit on a visit that hit it. Even stranger was the description of the recruit by his high school coach as a "bull in a china shop" before the visit.
If only Tom Cruise had been there to snatch it out of the air, dance ot Bob Seger, and make out with Rebekah Demornay. Risky business, being the champion.