Garrido: Entitlement A Problem


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Garrido says the last two years are unacceptable and that the feeling of entitlement has been a problem. He also says that the entitlement problem has been dealt with over the off season. What do you think?
Yes, anything to get better hitting in the game is sorely needed. It has been the bane of Texas baseball for years now and kept getting worse. Last year was rock bottom I hope.
An example of this is despite his slumps Felts was the fourth best hitter on the team after Payton, Weiss, and Hinojosa.

Felts is a mixed bag defensively though and that might have something to do with it too. He has a very good throwing arm and throws out a high number of baserunners.

The weakness is his ability to block pitches and with a pitching staff like ours that depends on those low breaking pitches even in the dirt with two strike counts it makes a difference. Passed balls and wild pitches that could have been blocked hurt us last year. When you can't score every run was crucial.

Whoever starts at several positions will probably only last as long as they hit. Remember all the different starters we had last season in that attempt.

We brought in several JC guys last year for a quick fix and it was a complete bust for the most part.

Hitting will once again be what makes or breaks this team. Texas needs to find players that believe they are entitled to hit the ball with some authority again.
I agree 100%. I'll believe change is in the air (or in the hitting) when I see it. It's not the first time we've heard these type statements over the last year. Lot of 'this year will be different' talk came from the football program. And we know how that turned out. To Barnes credit he didn't make a sound and just went to work on molding his new guys, and it's paying off big time. We heard you Augie, now show us.
Starting a season not in the top ten is unacceptable at UT.

Yes but not starting a season in the top ten just shows how UT isn't getting the respect it used to. Not only in BB but other sports as well.

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