Gametracker vs. Iscore?

Handler XIII

1,000+ Posts
Any coaches have feedback on either of these 2 apps. I'm currently using gametracker but have been told that iscore gives you historical data on opponents. Is that accurate? Any preferences out there?
I've been asking this same question. I'm not a coach, but a fan.

I use GameChanger to score UT Baseball and have been happy with it. It calculates A LOT of stats (about 150 I think) as the season progresses. I started using it just for fun to score the games, but would like to allow others to view the games on the live game stream (similar to GameTracker) when they can't make it to UFCU-DFF. One thing I don't like about it is others have to subscribe to the website to view the live game stream. The app is free, but they get you on the other end.

Been considering changing to Iscore. I have to pay $10 for the app, but the live gamecast is better and it is free to viewers. I don't track historical stats, so I can't comment on that.

From online demos, it looks like GameChanger is more similar to scorebook scoring than Iscore.

I'd also be interested in any feedback from other coaches or fans.

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