From the mouth of Will


1,000+ Posts
Doesn’t matter where we play, who we play or what time we play, Texas defense is gonna show up and play.”

Amen Brother!!!
I'm disappointed...because if you read between the lines of his comment, you don't' see anything about sacks or TFL. We're doomed.
Sunday's SA paper...I guess someone asked him about his hobbies.

"I coach ball."

"Hey, if they want to play in a parking lot, we'll play there too"

Not an exact quote, but I heard in it in some way as this. The entire response Wil gave was perfect to the question about "how does the late game affect the team (defense)".
Who was present during this said quote and did they all have their eyes glued to Coach Boom throughout the entire talk? If not I am highly disappointed in Coach Boom's ability to teach and lead.

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