Freedom of Speech


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I don't agree with a lot of what Harrison Butker at the Benedictine College graduation. But our primed up outrage machine has given his remarks national relevance. How about let's allow conservative Catholic institutions to choose their speakers? Does the LGBTQ Alliance want Benedictine College Regents to choose their convention's
keyote speaker?
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I don't agree with a lot of what Harrson Butker at the Benedictine College graduation. But our primed up outrage machine has given his remarks national relevance. How about let's allow conservative Catholic institutions choose their speakers? Does the LGBT Alliance qant Benedictine College Regents to choose their convention's
keyote speaker?
He should slap a lawsuit against the NFL through the players union.
To be fair, he's not being jailed for his comments because he has freedom of speech from the government. I imagine the Chiefs will be keeping him until he starts missing field goals.
I don't agree with a lot of what Harrison Butker at the Benedictine College graduation. But our primed up outrage machine has given his remarks national relevance. How about let's allow conservative Catholic institutions to choose their speakers? Does the LGBTQ Alliance want Benedictine College Regents to choose their convention's
keyote speaker?

That's what's worrisome. It's true that he's not facing criminal prosecution for what he said. (Of course, some people in supposedly free countries in Europe are facing criminal prosecution for saying similar things.) However, a country doesn't have true free speech unless there's also a culture of free speech, and that is going away in the United States. And if the culture doesn't value free speech, eventually the law won't either.
The Kansas City Chiefs org exposed the city he lives in on Twitter. It was a soft doxx.

I like what Butker said, but the whole about the Latin Mass is weird to me. I know it is old and reverential. But if you don't know what is being said then the ritual is missing the point.
The Kansas City Chiefs org exposed the city he lives in on Twitter. It was a soft doxx.

I like what Butker said, but the whole about the Latin Mass is weird to me. I know it is old and reverential. But if you don't know what is being said then the ritual is missing the point.
Some people truly love the old form of the Mass. And if you know the Mass in any language, you know the liturgy in any other language, whether you are fluent or not. You can respond to the prayers with the proper responses in your native tongue, or you can be silent and let the unfamiliar responses in the foreign tongue wash over you. It is quite an experience.
Some people truly love the old form of the Mass. And if you know the Mass in any language, you know the liturgy in any other language, whether you are fluent or not. You can respond to the prayers with the proper responses in your native tongue, or you can be silent and let the unfamiliar responses in the foreign tongue wash over you. It is quite an experience.

Yeah. I get that it is an experience. But as a Protestant I am conditioned to value sermons and prayers in English. I also like the original languages, Greek and Hebrew. I would probably react more favorably to Greek and Hebrew liturgy.
Also, since most (not all) Protestant worship is far, far, far more freestyle "sermonizing" from the preacher and not structured liturgy, it naturally only lends itself to being received in one's native tongue.

During the homily in a Catholic service the same principle applies, but the homily is typically 10-12 minutes of a 60 to 90 minute service.
Sure, written. But it was the "street language" in Judea during Jesus' time, and generally agreed that it was His native tongue. And since a church service is spoken, why shouldn't it be spoken in Aramaic rather than Greek or Hebrew?

This is a silly objection, of course, originally posited only to offer further contrast between an objection to services in Latin vs Greek or Hebrew.
Sure, written. But it was the "street language" in Judea during Jesus' time, and generally agreed that it was His native tongue. And since a church service is spoken, why shouldn't it be spoken in Aramaic rather than Greek or Hebrew?

This is a silly objection, of course, originally posited only to offer further contrast between an objection to services in Latin vs Greek or Hebrew.

Because that is the data we have. We don't have records in Aramaic, or I would be for that. Also, it is reasonable to think that Aramaic was the common speaking language of that area of the time. However, there is also some argument that Greek was the primary written language even for Israel. They may have even spoken Greek in some contexts. No significant evidence for that though.

My objection to Latin is that it is clearly a translation and not even the oldest one in Christianity. Picking it from the several early translations from Greek and Hebrew isn't random but it also isn't spiritual in nature.
The Latin Mass is a thing of ancient beauty. Better than the beauty of a great opera where language isn’t understood to many either, and definitely better than all the Taylor Swift type services or circus trapeze act services that I’ve seen. The beautiful gestures, prayers, silence, and chants lift one up to a high spiritual plane. That’s why many have credited the Latin Mass as a springboard to their conversion. A connection to heaven.
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The Latin Mass is a thing of ancient beauty. Better than the beauty of a great opera where language isn’t understood to many either, and definitely better than all the Taylor Swift type services or circus trapeze act services that if seen. The beautiful gestures, prayers, silence, and chants lift one up to high spiritual plane. That’s why many have credited the Latin Mass as a springboard to conversions. A connection to heaven.
As a Methodist, I looked on longing for the Latin Mass as a curiosity. Thanks for some mind broadening education.
Long but interesting. From

- Studies have suggested, after scientists studied a group of Monks that practiced Gregorian Chant, that it’s use can and does alleviate fatigue, depression and illness because of the herz ranges (around 8000) and vibration patterns of the sounds.



What would you think if I told you that Gregorian chants creates a harmonic vibration that has been proven in studies to eliminate fatigue, heal and cure disease and illness, extinguish depression and enable the person who sings Gregorian chant, to subsist on as little as 2 hours of sleep a day because it stimulates the part of the cerebral cortex through creating a separate vibration with our bones at a completely different vibration and hertz level that, when the cranium and skull vibrate at this frequency, acts like a magnifier as the bones of the head amplify the vibration affecting the brain at an even more magnified capacity.

When sang, the vibrations of the chant, create a separate vibration at its own herz level (around 2000) that emanate from the bones. It is as if the bones “sing” say the scientists and this “song” is measurable. More specifically the cranium, or skull and jaw bone, resonate at this herz level. The eardrum and stapes vibrate from this unique vibration and stimulate a very precise center of the cerebral cortex of the brain. The monks that were studied were able to subsist on less than 4 hours of sleep, some less than 2 hours of sleep a day, were healed of illness and experienced an overall sense of well being. When scientist studied these same monks who, due to an edict halting the practice of Gregorian Chant, were studied after they discontinued the singing of Gregorian chant, they became ill, depressed and fatigued to the point that many were unable to function or complete their duties or rigorous schedules. Once this was made known, they were given permission to once again sing Gregorian Chant and the monks suffering from illness and depression were healed. Here is more on this amazing discovery.

Alfred Tomatis is a French physician and specialist in otolaryngology, who has been working with understanding the function of the human ear and the importance of listening for forty-five years. In this connection we will look at his discoveries of sound, which ”charge” the listener. Tomatis found that sounds that contain high frequency harmonics, such as those found in Gregorian chants, are extremely beneficial. It is these high frequencies around 8000 Hz, which are capable of ”charging” the central nervous system and the cortex of the brain. In many of the sacred chants of the different tradition, the main out put of high frequency harmonics are dominant, which offer stimulation to the brain.

Tomatis himself discovered this when he was called to help a Benedictine monastery, where the monks were suffering of fatigued and depression. He found out, that they usually six to eight hours of chanting – due to a new decree – has been ceased, and within a short period of time the monks was unable to perform their many duties. When Tomatis re-established their daily chanting, the monks were soon able to continue their rigorous schedule of work and prayers.

Here is Theology of The Body in practice; When we listen to Gregorian Chants, our bodies experience a supernatural phenomenon that affects our well being.

For Tomatis, a major aspect of the therapeutic affects of vocal harmonics lies in the conduction of the bones, which are stimulated by resonance of around 2000 Hz. He says:
The sound produced is not in the mouth, not in the body, but, in fact, in the bones. It is all the bones in the body which are singing and it is like a vibrator exciting the walls of the church, which also sing.”

Bone conduction’s actually amplifies the sound through resonance of the cranium and the skull. According to Tomatis, bone conduction stimulates the stapes muscle of the ear, which he believes is the key to stimulating and charging the brain. Tomatis himself manages with a small amount of sleep, less than four hours a night. He attributes this to his listening to sound, which are rich in high harmonics.

Tomatis has described a phenomenon, which has been called ”The Tomatis Effect”, that states that the voice can only create and duplicate those sounds, which the ear is able to hear. This means that until you are able to hear various overtones, you will not be able to create them in your voice.

Listening is undoubtedly a key, not only in obtaining the ability of creating vocal harmonies and improvement of the voice, but of understanding aspects of other levels of consciousness. The art of listening to the outer and inner sound.


Notice how simply and beautiful the patterns are. It appears like a ladder, one in which our souls can climb to ascend to God as our souls receive the outpouring of Grace when we receive communion.


This one too has an equal amount of space with sound and silence that aspires us upward to the spiritual plane.

Then there is the new Comtemporary music that must of us all sing at mass. Please notice how the following structure is more noise than silence.

HERE I AM LORD by Dan Schutte Vibration and Frequency Patterns:


Noise takes up all of the space with its darkness. Darkness is actually measured scientifically by the absence of light. I have heard Dr. Waldstein say that there is no such thing as hate, only the absence of love. So we see that the more absence of silence within a song, the more darkness that it provides. Perhaps this darkness is a blocking agent of the enemy. Theresa Tomeo has a whole book on Noise. I think that noise is an agent of the enemy and blocks us from being able to receive all God desires to give us. -


Fr. Carlos Marins, who is an Exorcists and has a very cool podcast - The Exorcist Files - says that playing Gregorian chant music in your home, even at very low levels, petrifies any demons (not that I'm too worried about demons) who may try to infiltrate your home and family. I regularly do this as I can't always monitor what my boys are being exposed to online. Very soothing, as well, when wife and I are reading, ironing, laundry, etc.
Since it is the Mo AG calling for investigation kcmo might have to <gasp> fire whoever did it
Instead of promoting the person.