Fran to ESPN


250+ Posts
He will be a color analyst for ESPN Radio this season. He signed a 16-game contract. His first will be the Bama vs. Clemson game on August 30th.

The Link
Fran is offering 25% off if you sign up for his newsletter before August 31st
This is quite sucktastic!!! Lucky for me I never listen to ESPN Radio for anything, ever. I wonder if his smacking Little Debbie snackcakes will come through on the radio.

I never thought I would type this but I would rather hear that guy, Pam Ward, over his voice anyday.
I could deal with his voice.

But he is the most boring football coach I've ever heard. His press conferences were absolute snoozers. He would say nothing interesting, and never seemed to understand what the press wanted him to talk about.

This is horrible, this idea.
At first I thought you were going to say that they were pairing him up with Bob Davie. I was searching for something to gouge out both my eyes.

I was worried that he was going to be on the Game Day road or studio crew. That would really mess up my Saturdays this fall. Since I never listen to ESPN radio this is like a Little Debbie being ripped open in the forest.

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