Fox NFL Sunday - Fired Up re Vince *w link*


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Very classy move on the part of Terry and the guys with great words of encouragement for Vince. Great to see from someone who knows what he's going trough. Terry said all the things we would say to him if we had a chance.

Very classy move TB.

Here is a link for those that may be interested.

TB on Vince

TB said he knew what it was like to be a teams number 1 draft pick and to go through what he's going through. He said had the boos, he had been called all the names. He'd been called stupid, been called dumb. He told Vince basically not to give up that he is living his dream and he cant quit the game. Said to clear house, get rid of all of those in your life telling you how great you are, 'except your momma', and clean house. Surround yourself with your teammates, get in there with the veterans. Terry went on to say that they all believe in him. Very classy segment.
I'm not old enough to remember TB being called an idiot as a qb, but I always liked him as a broadcaster, even when others ripped on him.

Now I like him a whole lot more.
I saw it and it made me feel like they really care about VY. Terry looked directly into the camera and spoke to VY from the heart. He told him they are behind him and that they know he will get through this. Of course he said many other things as well, which were all good.
As a die hard Dallas fan that vividly remembers the bitter 70's Cowboys vs Steelers rivalry I always thought Bradshaw was kind of a douche. I guess I still do. I can't stand how he always refers to the New Orleans Saints as "my Saints". He also sucked in the movie "Hooper". I could go on and on.
Bradshaw had to compete with local hometown hero Terry Hanratty of Notre Dame fame. I think Hanratty was a 1st round pick like Bradshaw and for sure was more popular and better thought of with the fans than Bradshaw was in the early 70's. I think Hanratty won a MNC at Notre Dame in the late 60's, not sure without looking it up. So local hero Hanratty had much better credentials than the backwoods boy from Louisiana.

Bradshaw did not cement himself as a fan favorite until Franco Harris made the Immaculate Reception against Oakland. That would have been 71 or 72. Early on Bradshaw regularly got booed and *** chewed by Chuck Knoll and all of Pennsylvania wanting to see Hanratty play.
Very cool!

I always like TB, primarily for the reason that The Big Unit mentioned above.
before 1974 Terry Bradshaw was considered a bust by most of the fans in Pittsburgh. What saved him was Lynn Swann and John Stalworth getting drafted along with 11 other guys that made up probably the greatest draft in NFL history.
Terry Bradshaw was a big ol' easily excitable country kid, still is. He wears every emotion he has on his sleeves. Probably one of the best human beings to ever play in the NFL.

What you see is what you get with Terry Bradshaw and that is about as good a deal as there is.