Has Florida been caught over the scholarship limit? He is obviously breathing so of course he passes any SEC school's academic requirements, and the clearinghouse doesn't seem to have any issues.
As much as I would like to make light of the oxymoron that is SEC academics, Florida is actually a good public university. It's rated pretty high as far as research institutions go.
Of course, just like any school including UT, they're not hard and fast on GPA and SAT requirements as they are with non athletic students. While he may be qualified under NCAA rules, it doesn't mean that Florida or any other university has to let him in.
This might be due to oversigning but if Florida is doing this because he truly can't hack it academically there, then props to them.
I remember Urban Meyer at one point saying one of the reasons for leaving Fla was the high number of 4-5 star Fla high school kids that under performed in academics