Fortune: Interesting article on Fast and Furious

Bevo Incognito

5,000+ Posts
A Fortune investigation reveals that the ATF never intentionally allowed guns to fall into the hands of Mexican drug cartels. How the world came to believe just the opposite is a tale of rivalry, murder, and political bloodlust.

Fortune's investigation appears to be exhaustive, indeed. Clearly there are two portions to this: what actually transpired, and Holder's refusal to release the documents. We've already got a thread going re: Holder's refusal, so this is about what actually happened.

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To slightly oversummarize -- the ATF in a climate where any inconvenience to gun buyers, even 20 year old kids buying 20 semiautoamatics with cash -- brings down the wrath of the super potent gun lobby, the agency was fighting a grizzly bear with a two foot club. The guys who set the rules to the game are now livid that the ATF didn't do a great job. The Obama Administration's weak-kneed defense of the ATF is tryign to keep everything on the downlow because they don't want to futhrer energize the NRA and gun nuts everywhere who don't want any restrictions, complicationns or tracking of gun buying or gun ownership.

I think its a big problem in this country that the gun lobby is so potent nobody will confront it even when it's pushed things way too far. I'd take to the streets were my being allowed to own hunting weapons was in jeaopardy. However with it's need to always have new fights to fight the NRA is pushing "stand your ground" laws and other rules serious law enforcers will tell you are crazy. Nobody seems willing to call them down on it at all.
IMO, the 2nd Amendment was not about protecting the rights of hunters but the rights of American citizens to protect themselves. It was created at a time when government oppression was rampant throughout the world. I doubt the Founders were too concerned with creating the law lest they fear the newly created government take away deer hunting rights.

If you believe in that premise, as I do, then there should be absolutely no restrictions on firearms whatsoever. Yes, I know I sound like a crazy gun nut. I'm not. I own one .22 pistol. I just believe that the populace has a basic right to protect itself entirely due to the 2nd Amendment. And blind loyalty that the government will always be capable of doing what's right and/or even protecting you at the local level is naive. Not calling anyone on here naive. I just have an extreme distrust of government institutions both national and local.
Totally agree, Knoxville. Besides, I've always wanted a flame-thrower.

But I read the entire Fortune article last night and I do believe that it is telling the truth, or is at least as close to the truth as we're liable to get.

P.S. As an aside, did you catch the article on the 23 year old Georgia girl who is making bombs in her house? She's got some pretty good weaponry in this photo:
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"None of the ATF agents doubted that the Fast and Furious guns were being purchased to commit crimes in Mexico."

Oh gee. Thats really nice to know. Prolly the same way I dont doubt that the cat Im about to throw into the wood chipper is going to die a horrible death.

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