Former Longhorn football player Dennis Ladd has passed away.

Billy Dale

The History of Longhorn Sports through 2014
Dennis Ladd.jpg

TLSN serves two missions. One is chronicling the history of all Longhorn NCAA-sanctioned sports. The second is a compassionate component offering those who qualify a temporary financial safety net.

Dennis Ladd was a proud man caught in awful circumstances. He struggled with many health issues in his life journey.

In December of 2014, with little income and poor health, Dennis Ladd shared with many that he could not pay the property tax on his home. Fifteen teammates responded to his plea for help and raised enough to pay his property tax for two years.
The financial reprieve gave him time to objectively and successfully sell his property under no duress or desperation. The proceeds helped him survive economically, but his health issues and pain remained.

Dennis Ladd’s health status situation was one of the inspirations behind Benny Pace, Jim Kay, and Billy Dale forming a 501 ( c ) (3) tax-exempt in 2017. While I can’t speak for Benny or Jim, Dennis’s need for assistance was an epiphany moment for me.
There is no reason that any former Longhorn student-athlete who helped build the Longhorn brand should be forgotten when a crisis occurs.

The current TLSN Board, composed of Benny Pace, Jim Kay, Chairwoman Beth Coblentz, Billy Dale, and Sherryl Hauglum, are committed to making sure that no former Longhorn student-athlete, manager, or trainer is forgotten in time of need.

Please pass the TLSN mission forward to your friends who qualify as part of the former Longhorn student-athletes, manager, and trainer network.

Photo Stan Mauldin, Billy Dale, Dennis Ladd, and Bill Walker

Photo Mark Halfmann, Don Burrisk, Dennis Ladd, Bill Walker
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