cnb, I think you’re onto something that hadn’t occurred to me until this evening.
I have been baffled as to why CDC had not terminated Herman. It made no sense to me, particularly given that the program is imploding. But as you alluded, if you fire Herman, you’re on the hook for the whole enchilada. If instead another school takes Herman off your hands, your loses could be cut substantially.
(The plot thickened when Auburn, a school with less resources, didn’t care about the money and fired a coach with a better track record than our guy has. That didn’t make Texas look good BTW.)
So, if as SabreHorn suggests, Herman’s market value is $6,000,000, then schools like Arizona, SC or Illinois could score a six million dollar man for half that much.
I have a feeling that SH knows more than he can share, and that maybe CDC has a plan. The Michelle Herman tweet tends to reinforce the theory IMO.