went to fonda san miguel last night. i had a really good experience. had a really friendly waiter. everything that i had was good.
the chips and salsa were solid. the green sauce was alittle too limey, but was still really good.
started off with the queso. different than most of the queso that you order at most tex mex places. it is too thick for chips, so you scoop it in torillas(really good and fresh) and make little cheese tacos. could of had that as my meal and been satisfied.
i had the enchiladas suizas (sour cream sauce) with chicken and the gf had the enchiladas with the mole Poblano sauce with chicken. i liked mine alot more than hers. each bite was sour cream cheesey goodness. the chicken was also really good in the lada. hers was kind of a chocolatey sauce. was good, but not my cup of tea. a real unique taste. the rice and beans were good, but nothing special.
we each got the daddy margarita. might of been the best margarita that i have ever had. kind of expensive, but i think it was worth it.
i forgot the name of the desert we got, but it was a scoop of vanilla ice cream and a scoop of caramel, served with some kind of alcohol in a little glass to pour on it, and a little container of caramel. really good. might have been the best desert that i have ever had.
i definitly recommend this place to take a date, and will go back again once i get a job and start making money. the total bill with the tip for the two of us was $91.