Since the rule was put into effect a few years ago, I have checked my bags in every time when flying. In comparison, I _never_ checked in my bags before they made the rule but I always fly with regular sized toiletries (other than shampoo/conditioner) and it just wasn't worth it for me to stock up on tiny stuff. I just don't fly enough to really do it.
However, I am flying next week and was hoping to try to use the "3-1-1" rule correctly to avoid checking in my bag. I am hoping to avoid the hassle of picking up my bags on the way in and out due to tight schedule.
So a few questions....
1) I use Speed Stick solid deodorant. Based on what I have seen, the rules are for gels and liquids and from some google searches, it appears that solid deodorants are not in this class and don't need to be in the bag and can be as big as you want (ie, not 3oz or smaller). Anyone have experience with this?
2) What do you guys do with shaving cream? I am going to be gone 1 week so I am going to need some. I can either buy when I get there and use it there and trash it... or is it pretty hard to find 3oz shaving gels at HEB? And will that last me 1 week if I shave every day?
3) What are the rules with razors? I haven't carried on my bag since they made the rule so I don't know. I intend on bringing my razor but didn't know if that was cool nowadays.
4) Is bar soap considered solid or gel? I am guessing solid and I don't need to put it in the bag.
Any other advice???
However, I am flying next week and was hoping to try to use the "3-1-1" rule correctly to avoid checking in my bag. I am hoping to avoid the hassle of picking up my bags on the way in and out due to tight schedule.
So a few questions....
1) I use Speed Stick solid deodorant. Based on what I have seen, the rules are for gels and liquids and from some google searches, it appears that solid deodorants are not in this class and don't need to be in the bag and can be as big as you want (ie, not 3oz or smaller). Anyone have experience with this?
2) What do you guys do with shaving cream? I am going to be gone 1 week so I am going to need some. I can either buy when I get there and use it there and trash it... or is it pretty hard to find 3oz shaving gels at HEB? And will that last me 1 week if I shave every day?
3) What are the rules with razors? I haven't carried on my bag since they made the rule so I don't know. I intend on bringing my razor but didn't know if that was cool nowadays.
4) Is bar soap considered solid or gel? I am guessing solid and I don't need to put it in the bag.
Any other advice???