Financial Advisor


< 25 Posts
I'm looking for a good financial advisor/planner. I have never had one before - can anyone recommend a specific company or individual in Austin?

Be VERY careful. The vast majority of the FInancial Planers I have met are basically concerned only with their own finances. Not to mention, most are not that financially stable. If you go with one, find one who has a large net worth of his/her own.
Puddle C actually lives in a small apartment on riverside and drives an 82 cutlass, but they are both filled with stacks of money which he counts greedily.
I am a wholesaler (mutual funds) to just the very folks you are asking about. I have met thousands of them & part of my job is getting to know how they run their businesses. It's just like any other profession, there are a few very good ones & some real bad ones. Most fall somewhere in between. The real value a good financial advisor can add is to keep you from making one or two mistakes a year. Yes, asset allocation, selling the right holding at the right time, research, etc. are all important but, beware the advisor who wants to move you around alot. Look for experience & for someone who listens well. Is there a chemistry with this person? Would this be someone who you wouldn't hesitate to give a call to ask a question? At the end of the day, if you have a decent plan and attainable goals, it'll be the move you don't make & not that "hot dot" idea that'll get you the furthest down the road. Also, it doesn't hurt to find out where their money is invested. Do you eat your own cooking??? Hope that helps.
hookem, financial advisors are a dime a dozen around here. be very careful. it really is hit or miss with picking one that wont steer you wrong. i highly recommend asking friends for referrals for who works well for them. there are so many fin advisors out there that dont know a thing , just salesmen. if you just need someone to invest a small amount of money id recommend find a cheaper well known place and do the research yourself for what to invest in, nothing complicated, 9 out of 10 times youll do better or equal to what they would put you in, and youd save on the high fees that would set you with.