Filibuster!!! Education bill fails in senate.


500+ Posts
Wow!!! I had completely forgotten about a possibility of a filibuster.

Now, it will be interesting to see how much the financials change for education money. I'm thinking the republican's might give in a little, maybe half a billion or so $?

If the democrat senators get organized, they could filibuster this thing all of the way to force another special session, etc?

Can they hand off the filibuster to another senator, or does it have to be just one person?
As a retired 32-yr educator, money is not the problem. And most of my friends would agree. So much money is being wasted, and you could cut out 1/2 of central administration in most if not all school districts and there would not be a student or teacher who noticed. Education needs to be completely revamped, and that is never going to happen.
The answer is no, but they do have some special contracting issues that they do. I am certainly no expert, but it isn't simple at-will employment. I don't know enough to know if over all the teacher hire system is good or bad, but as I understand it, it is unique.
i was talking to a teacher who works at a school in the inner cities. the teachers are pissed about the layoffs, they have crappy working conditions anyway with the violence in the schools. anyway, she was saying it is a complete joke, they spend a fortune feeding these kids every day as they are all talking and texting on their iphones and expensive shoes and other crap.
Glad to know, it's not a money issue, but a resources issue. Of course, we all know how the debate will be framed.

Anyone have an idea of how much money is spent on athletics?
end the food programs at the federal level. it costs about 10 billion a year. then you have local versions of the same program that costs even more and is duplicative. on top of that, its crap food and unhealthy. they could also end the free ipad, laptop programs. the food program they say is for those living in poverty only if you talk to people, everyone can get the free breakfast and lunch. a peanut butter and jelly sandwich costs about .10 to make at home. we need to stop giving the fat kids more free food.
If I read the budget numbers of the House budget correctly there is an increase of 125 million for education over the 2010-2011 budget.The Link
Public Education 2010-11 2012-13
53,701.5 53.826.7
what's funny is that basically, the school system sucks. the students do not learn crap and the schools are more thna happy to send kids through the system that can barely read. however, when it comes to their money and making sure they get paid, they care and scream and make up crap. the lovely world of government entitlements.
Yep, we don't teach anything. This year the kids watched sponge bob every day. I never work on a weekend and just sent the kids on to the next grade where they will watch Hannah Montana music videos for nine months. I'm not going to lie though, I did take some breaks from watching tv to teach the kids that jesus is evil and that they should worship Obama and socialism. Maybe next year I will make a center where the kids can throw darts at reagan's face and stomp on a pretend grave. Afterall, my Texas union made sure that I have seven month summer so that I will have adequate time to spend my 6 figure salary. See y'all at the yacht club this summer!
I have not figured out how a school system can be successful when parents don't care.
According to the 2003 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 37 percent of fourth graders and 26 percent of eighth graders cannot read at the basic level; and on the 2002 NAEP 26 percent of twelfth graders cannot read at the basic level. That is, when reading grade appropriate text these students cannot extract the general meaning or make obvious connections between the text and their own experiences or make simple inferences from the text. In other words, they cannot understand what they have read.

50 percent of American adults are unable to read an eighth grade level book.

46% of American adults cannot understand the label on their prescription medicine.

21 million Americans can't read at all, 45 million are marginally illiterate and one-fifth of high school graduates can't read their diplomas.

Approximately 50 percent of the nation's unemployed youth age 16-21 are functional illiterate, with virtually no prospects of obtaining good jobs.

60 percent of America's prison inmates are illiterate and 85% of all juvenile offenders have reading problems.

More than 20 percent of adults read at or below a fifth-grade level - far below the level needed to earn a living wage.

More than three out of four of those on welfare, 85% of unwed mothers and 68% of those arrested are illiterate. About three in five of America's prison inmates are illiterate.

44 million adults in the U.S. can't read well enough to read a simple story to a child.

Over one million children drop out of school each year, costing the nation over $240 billion in lost earnings, forgone tax revenues, and expenditures for social services.

The educational careers of 25 to 40 percent of American children are imperiled because they don't read well enough, quickly enough, or easily enough.

yeah, spider, our schools are doing an amazing job. This one entitlement is a big piece of all of our societal ills. For all of you progressives that want "social justice," fix the education system, hold the kids and teachers accountable to succeed, and we would have exponentially fewer problems in our society. Unfortunately, they prefer to blame those that earn a living. The new entitlement appears to be for those that want the money of those that earn it.
Sounds about right. We try to keep them as stupid as possible. That way we have cheap labor to clean our houses, nanny our kids, wash our boats, and mow our golf courses. Anything to keep the status quo for the elite class of affluent teachers. Next year the kindergarten team is sponsoring an F1 team - should be an exciting year.
Larry T
If we could clone you and you could teach for the next 30 years and you could motivate the parents to be involved all of those stats general posted would turn around to positive.

I hope you know we all really appreciate what you and our other teachers on WM put up with to try to educate those who might want to learn

I can't speak for general but I would bet posting those stats and calling attention to our problem did not mean general thought there were no good teachers and certainly it was not directed at you.

I also bet you can acknowledge what the system is doing now isn't working and as AustinBat pointed put money is not the problem.
I'm not saying there are not good teachers. a lot of the blame is on the parents as well. but our educatiuon system is piss poor.
there is a direct correlation between the number of poor on welfare and the amount of people that are not educated and can't read. It has been this way for about 40-50 years-2 generations. It is no accident that the income disparities between classes have increased the most during this time. It is also no accident that this all began about the time of the "great society" via LBJ.
I think the phrase: "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink" is the most fitting for the educational system. The bottom line is that there are teachers teaching in classrooms all across America. What students and parents choose to do with that opportunity is up to them. Posting a bunch of stats about how prisoners can't read tells me nothing other than that they didn't take the opportunity that was given to them. Saying that there are a bunch of dumb people out there tells me that there are a bunch of people that want to be dumb. Education is a choice.

Blaming the system is taking the easy way out. There are millions of public high school seniors across the nation that are graduating and going to college in the fall. In the same classes, there are kids that are not graduating and will be going to jail next fall. Why? Did the teachers just whisper the information into certain kids ears?
blaming the system is not blaming the teachers.
You are preaching to the choir when you say teachers teach but you can't force a student to learn.
Most reasonable people do understand the problem but for the last 45 years some people and many people in government blame what is going on on a lack of money.

LarryT you know you have heard that for months if not years and you certainly have heard it in Texas during the lege session. That the GOPers don't care about kids learning and only more money will ensure the kids will learn.

There is so such thing as the " good ol' days" But one aspect I wish could come back is the family unit, for all races and groups. Speaking generally a 2 parent unit increases the likliehood that a parent( or both) will pay attention to a child's education.
Another area I wish could be turned back is the whole grading issue from passing a child to the next grade so their self esteem won't suffer to manipulating scores so no one fails.

But of all the problems in the system a lack of good teachers is not one of them. NOT all are good but more than enough are if we would quit social engineering everything, making excuses that it is always about money and not requiring accountability from the students the good teachers could teach .
6721- most teachers would agree with what you wrote. Kids from two parent families that value education do well 99% of the time. Also, teachers are usually more in favor of holding back struggling students than admins are. I'm guessing that holding students back hurts a part of a schools rating - which is much more important to admins than teachers.

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