According to the 2003 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 37 percent of fourth graders and 26 percent of eighth graders cannot read at the basic level; and on the 2002 NAEP 26 percent of twelfth graders cannot read at the basic level. That is, when reading grade appropriate text these students cannot extract the general meaning or make obvious connections between the text and their own experiences or make simple inferences from the text. In other words, they cannot understand what they have read.
50 percent of American adults are unable to read an eighth grade level book.
46% of American adults cannot understand the label on their prescription medicine.
21 million Americans can't read at all, 45 million are marginally illiterate and one-fifth of high school graduates can't read their diplomas.
Approximately 50 percent of the nation's unemployed youth age 16-21 are functional illiterate, with virtually no prospects of obtaining good jobs.
60 percent of America's prison inmates are illiterate and 85% of all juvenile offenders have reading problems.
More than 20 percent of adults read at or below a fifth-grade level - far below the level needed to earn a living wage.
More than three out of four of those on welfare, 85% of unwed mothers and 68% of those arrested are illiterate. About three in five of America's prison inmates are illiterate.
44 million adults in the U.S. can't read well enough to read a simple story to a child.
Over one million children drop out of school each year, costing the nation over $240 billion in lost earnings, forgone tax revenues, and expenditures for social services.
The educational careers of 25 to 40 percent of American children are imperiled because they don't read well enough, quickly enough, or easily enough.
yeah, spider, our schools are doing an amazing job. This one entitlement is a big piece of all of our societal ills. For all of you progressives that want "social justice," fix the education system, hold the kids and teachers accountable to succeed, and we would have exponentially fewer problems in our society. Unfortunately, they prefer to blame those that earn a living. The new entitlement appears to be for those that want the money of those that earn it.