I think my postings on Hornfans will show me to be less than admiring of our Texas Governor. But stuff showing up on facebook is too ugly for politics. I imagine you have all heard about the Austin Chronicle ad with the query "Have you had sex with Rick Perry?"The Link
. I caught some television tape of a child, being prompted by a mom with an agenda to ask Rick Perry the age of the earth and his views on evolution. As much as I enjoy reading about science, that would not be a question I'd be ready to handle.The Link
Is Rick so handsome this antipathy is from simple jealousy? Has he hurt some people so bad they hate him? Are there so many ugly folks in politics that everyone who starts looking like a potential winner gets showered in sewage?
. I caught some television tape of a child, being prompted by a mom with an agenda to ask Rick Perry the age of the earth and his views on evolution. As much as I enjoy reading about science, that would not be a question I'd be ready to handle.The Link
Is Rick so handsome this antipathy is from simple jealousy? Has he hurt some people so bad they hate him? Are there so many ugly folks in politics that everyone who starts looking like a potential winner gets showered in sewage?