Favorite Bum/Panhandler in Austin


500+ Posts
Besides that freak Leslie, anyone have a favorite bum that they see on the street corners with a cardboard sign? I keep seeing the guy with hair like Krusty the Clown that only has one tooth, and he always looks like he's totally out of his mind. He appears all over the city. There's also the guy with the "I need .37 cents for a cheezeburger" sign "(where do you get a .37 cent cheeseburger?). I gave him exactly .37 once and he cussed at me.
Contrary to the likely consensus on this board, I don't like any of them at all. They don't make Austin fun or cool. They are wastes of space. They make Guadalupe smell like ****, literally. They rarely entertain or enlighten. They make me sick.
The use of the word "favorite" was kinda tongue-in-cheek, as anyone who has seen my previous posts on the subject knows how I feel about these people.

I REALLY hate it when I see them wearing UT gear, like that's going to make me give them something since I'm a Horn! The guy who cussed me when I gave him .37 was a trip, though.
the old "**** you" guy who used to wear an army camo t-shirt that would walk the shopping center b/t the posse and crown was pretty entertaining.
I personally think the electric guitar playing black guy in front of Jazz is pretty cool.
The guy in fromt of Jazz is the "King of Sixth Street". He has his own City Proclomation and I think he even has a CD or two.
My favorite is a guy I saw one time by Tower Records. His sign said " Please help, Can't work because I have a crack in my ***."
the fat guy with the funny signs who also works in the co-op. i also like the one who kicks himself in the head for a quarter, he got 75 cents from me and a mild concussion.
I saw the Krusty look-alike at 2222 and Mopac this afternoon. Dude really looks like he's totally crazed. I'd be afraid that he would bite my hand if I tried to give him money.

I guess that would be kinda hard to do with only one tooth!
There was a lady over off of Tomey road that we used to go get to buy beer for us. I think her name was Marge or Maggie. Anyway, I have come to find out over the years that she was buying beer for kids from all high schools around Austin. The place she went to buy the beer must have thought she had a real problem.
I ran into this old homeless guy while I was waiting outside the Austin Music Hall waiting to get into a Lou Reed concert. It turned out he was a huge Velvet Underground fan and used to work at the Vulcan Gas Company on 6th Street in the 60's, back when they used to perform there. He even remembered the exact address of the place (which I confirmed later).
Not sure of his name, hell he may still be around, but he was actually one of the street vendors on 6th back in the 90's. If I remember correctly, he wore an army jacket, had the hemp jewelry stand, i always assciated him with that f'ed up multicolored car. Hell i think he was there, may have been the drugs back then, but I swear he was my favorite, if he existed. Any help on this one?
There is one guy who hangs around campus and likes Dobie in particular. Came up to me several times in Dobie whilst I was studying MCAT materials, and sat down at the table, tried to carry on a conversation for approximately 5 minutes about how well he did in the "class" I was taking, then abruptly asked for 5 dollars for the pleasure of his conversation. I couldn't believe it!
That toothless guy with the fuzzy hair is the only one in Austin that makes me want to cry. I see him just about everyday, and he looks so disoriented it's sad.