FAU. 'The Dream Lives On'

That is a tiresome video to watch & listen to, but you can get a flavor for the Owls and what they did last year. Dudes will come to Austin to play... we gotta hit 'em in the mouth and jump on 'em early like we did ASU (edit: Ariz. State).
At first I thought it was going to be kickass because it sounded like they were setting it to some Wesley Willis music...and then that hillbilly started singing about Schnellendrunk.

"Rock over London, Rock on Chicago."
there are not many words that i can use to show how amazed i am but this might go up there with the Bryan college station song...well maybe
That song makes me vomit into my mouth. That music is horrid. I beg Coach Schnelly to play that before the game as the "PUMP 'EM UP" video!!!
re: Bryan College Station song....

Don't forget that very forgettable aggy rap song from a few years ago called something like " Like a hellicopter" or maybe that was one of the lyrics from the BCS song or that the Raise Up song?

Good gawddd ya'll... that thing was beyond awful.

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