Sangre Naranjada 10,000+ Posts Sponsor Aug 31, 2008 #2 The Link I'm not so sure about these ******** any more. I thought their fans were all right until these two aggy like dickheads showed up.
The Link I'm not so sure about these ******** any more. I thought their fans were all right until these two aggy like dickheads showed up.
7 71grad 1,000+ Posts Aug 31, 2008 #4 So he wasn't impressed by DKR-TMS. He is from Boca, where everything is tiny and pastel.
M MP5 100+ Posts Aug 31, 2008 #5 And evidently the owls burt something on midfield the night before? He says pics will be posted later. I would think it would be easy to keep people out of DKR during the night
And evidently the owls burt something on midfield the night before? He says pics will be posted later. I would think it would be easy to keep people out of DKR during the night
R RabidLonghorn 1,000+ Posts Aug 31, 2008 #6 So they thought they had a chance to win the game? even after grumpy Howard shooting off his mouth.