Far Left Liberal Lunatic


5,000+ Posts
That would be my Dad and his wife. She's not as extreme as my Dad. We haven't spoken politics for years because it's just best for our relationship. Something has changed recently when I called him in Colorado on Father's day. He brought up politics and to my surprise it was a great conversation.

He has voted in every election starting with John Kennedy and has voted Democrat only. Yes, he's voted for Carter, Mondale, Clinton, Gore, Kerry, and even Obama. He told me that he is not certain what he is going to do this election but his only option is Romney or not vote at all. He said he probably won't be able to bring himself to actually vote for a Republican and will mostlikely not vote. He said the only certainty is he's not going to vote for Obama again. I told him (taking a chance on our discussion going sour) that what we are seeing with Obama is that he is a radical left and is staying there instead of floating toward the middle. I told my dad that even though Obama doesn't even understand the basics of economics, his biggest problem is he's sticking with the left's idealogy that has proven over and over that it doesn't work. He disagreed and believes the failure of this dem in office is because of Obama only. He believes once he's out of office that the next dem will get us back on track. He couldn't be more wrong. The success of the Dem Presidents in the past that have done well is because they came to the middle and were successful (Clinton).

As far as my step mom, she now claims she will vote for Romney to do her part of getting Obama out of office. She is now an independent. She said she is done with both sides. I'm guessing she will be a democrat again once Obama is out of office.

With this said, this is why I believe Obama has no chance in hell in getting re-elected. If he lost my dad who was a strong believer in him in 2008, there are millions closer to the miiddle that BHO has lost as well. History shows that the polls most of the time favor the dems and the actual votes don't match what the pollsters say. So if the polls are saying BHO ahead of Romney, that really means it's a tie. If they show they're tied, it means Romney is actually in the lead. The last election was the recall in Wisconsin where Walker was polling to be in a tight race only for the results show he won overwelmingly. Nov 2012 can't get here soon enough.
Good for you. You are special.
I wouldn't call it a trend, and I don't know how widespread it is, but what you described is similar to where my MIL is relative to this cycle. She most likely won't vote.
I declined to vote for Obama four years ago because I thought he was unprepared and obnoxiously ambitious. I see no reason to not cast a blank ballot again this year (or vote libertarian, which is the same thing).

I voted for Bush over Clinton in '92 but otherwise vote democratic since 1968.

I am ripe for switching parties but don't because the GOP is run by plutocrats and driven by whackos.

Romney has to be the least honest, most repulsive nominee since Woodrow Wilson and I would not consider voting for him or any of the other republican aspirants. He has not even attempted to articulate a way out of this labrynth.

I used to run political campaigns and running as "not that other guy" can be a winning tactic but it is not a governing tactic and leaves you with no mandate at all other than to not be the other guy. That is how we got Obama. And W.

Too many people, imo, think that if one guy is really bad, in their opinion, that the alternative must be better.

I call this the von Papen/Hitler Fallacy.

IT is a truism that americans are an optimistic lot and think that for every problem there is a solution. Perhaps there is not and we, like the brits of the last century, are on a downward, irreversible spiral? Looks that way from here.
Obama could nationally televise a deal with the devil and there are plenty of folks that would still support him all the way.
I believe Obama has no chance in hell in getting re-elected
You may find comfort in your belief, but this election is a toss up.

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