Right, renewables are about 8% of electricity production. Oil is primarily used for transportation- a separate but related issue. Your post- and that of Shiner's is comparing the economics of a mature industry that has been the status quo for about 110 years or so, and folding arms while looking at these 10-20 year old technologies.
The thing is, oil has costs that people pay in places other than the pump- whether it be national security, health, pollution or plain stupidity in being dependent on something our enemies primarily have. In this case, it is well worth paying a smaller premium to get over the hump and make renewables and electron based transportation economic. The good news is that relatively speaking- this is not a 50 year project. Depending on our ambitions, we are looking at economic wind today, economic solar (grid parity) within 5 years, and economic plug in vehicles within 5-10 years.
The bad news is China, Germany and Japan realized this about 15 years ago and have a decent head start.
My vote is for doing something proactive other than folding arms and mocking the new tech on the block. If we all did that- we'd never have used the early cell phones, DVDs, etc.