Every TEXAS _ffensive Play vs Maryland 2018


Happy Feller

_ffensive Observations:
  1. E ain't the guy.
  2. Too many off-target throws. (Side note: had E made a leading toss to Watson, the "fumble" might not have happened.)
  3. Several great catches.
  4. Some nice runs by Watson, Young, and Ingram.
  5. I miss having a "featured back."
  6. This _offense is a juggernaut... if the other team is standing still.
  7. Charlie fired OC Watson immediately after the first game of his second season. And many/most of us felt that was too late. Looks like TommyBoy may never do what needs to be done.
You watch that film and determine that "E ain't the guy" --- I see an F for the OL, 26 is the only RB with vision and those 2 combined are not good. 84 will NOT block to save his life, and dropped a crucial pass, at a crucial time, we have the wrong Katy running back, BIG XII officiating remains the worst.
E threw the picks - again - but with the exception of 2 up-tempo drives, and a 3rd that 84 killed with dropped pass, the Offense was terrible.
Same place we were last year- except this defense has a long way to go to be good.
Offensive play calling? Sometimes these coaches are so busy trying to establish something with dink and dunk passes that they forget the main goal is to get it into the end zone and not worry so much by settling for trying to just get first downs. We did very well when we went deep. I’m telling you right now that Briles (who I can’t stand) would have Duvernay lighting it up with his down field passing attack. I’d rather play school yard football with turning our athletes loose than trying to make a game plan to get a first down here and there. Our OC is making this game way too complicated. You open up that offense and you have the defense backed off the LOS. You get in that attack attitude and it opens up great running lanes. If Sam can’t make plays down field then let the next guy in line give it a shot. Either you can or can’t get the job done. Make the game fun for them.
The quick inside run game worked and the OL blocked well for that. The slow developing run plays did not work. Seems to me we have O talent similar to Auburn and we need more zone read and inside running. That would open up the play action passing. SE is a running QB. Use him For that and he is fine. Use him in the pocket like TB does and get ready for losses to pile up. I want to see TH take over play calling. Not sure who called plays Sat but they set SE up to fail. The two minute drill should be zone read and option, 80% run. We owned Maryland when we ran that.
The quick inside run game worked and the OL blocked well for that. The slow developing run plays did not work. Seems to me we have O talent similar to Auburn and we need more zone read and inside running. That would open up the play action passing. SE is a running QB. Use him For that and he is fine. Use him in the pocket like TB does and get ready for losses to pile up. I want to see TH take over play calling. Not sure who called plays Sat but they set SE up to fail. The two minute drill should be zone read and option, 80% run. We owned Maryland when we ran that.