Sophomore year in high school. I'm in my favorite class journalism. Teacher loves me, says I'm a great student but also realized I was somewhat of a class clown because she gave me detention a few times.
One day, inappropriate ads in questionable locations was the topic. So, the discussion goes on and she says "and we know teen pregnancy is a huge issue in this area. is this ad appropriate on a bus bench near the school though?" Well, on cue, this Latin American exchange student (who was a brown noser and for whatever reason didn't care for me) agrees like she's the class parrot and says "YES!!" Only, she didn't say yes, she said the Spanish version of it (jess). My buddy repeats it with her pronunciation and I just started laughing uncontrollably.
Teacher looks at me, and I assume she's upset and says "oh great. Wow, we've managed to make Ram laugh. Everyone, let's give a hand to Ram." Class applauses as I frantically wave it off and try to explain that I was laughing at my friend and I realize teen pregnancies and abortions are a serious matter.
Another time, and I actually think this is appropriate, but during a calculus, a rather robust girl sneezed and farted. Not one person laughed......until me and a couple of buddies made eye contact and mouthed "did you hear that? I think it was Paige...." and literally, we laughed for 20 minutes. I felt bad because the big girl played it off and sort of wiped her nose, and I'm laughing as I type this.
Another girl confronts us after class and asks "what the hell were you laughing at?" We said "didn't you hear Paige fart after her sneeze?" She said "yes?" I guess farting is only funny to one sex.
One day, inappropriate ads in questionable locations was the topic. So, the discussion goes on and she says "and we know teen pregnancy is a huge issue in this area. is this ad appropriate on a bus bench near the school though?" Well, on cue, this Latin American exchange student (who was a brown noser and for whatever reason didn't care for me) agrees like she's the class parrot and says "YES!!" Only, she didn't say yes, she said the Spanish version of it (jess). My buddy repeats it with her pronunciation and I just started laughing uncontrollably.
Teacher looks at me, and I assume she's upset and says "oh great. Wow, we've managed to make Ram laugh. Everyone, let's give a hand to Ram." Class applauses as I frantically wave it off and try to explain that I was laughing at my friend and I realize teen pregnancies and abortions are a serious matter.
Another time, and I actually think this is appropriate, but during a calculus, a rather robust girl sneezed and farted. Not one person laughed......until me and a couple of buddies made eye contact and mouthed "did you hear that? I think it was Paige...." and literally, we laughed for 20 minutes. I felt bad because the big girl played it off and sort of wiped her nose, and I'm laughing as I type this.
Another girl confronts us after class and asks "what the hell were you laughing at?" We said "didn't you hear Paige fart after her sneeze?" She said "yes?" I guess farting is only funny to one sex.