Europe will never understand why were beyond them


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linkIn 1776 Britan couldn't understand why 13 colonies would want to leave the crown. In 2012 Europe still can't get it thru their head why we are diffferent.

It's because here in the USofA we, at least those not brain washed by the far left leaning media, believe in individual freedom, the constitution, and not relying on government to run our life.

It use to be where people here in the US would not go on welfare or ask for handouts and would actually WORK for a living and provide for their own well being.

Europe does not have a constitution or a bill of rights, and that is what makes us unique. No where in that document does it say the government can force it's citizens to purchase ANYTHING. And the SCOTUS will more than likely strike that portion of the bill down. Health Insurance in NOT a right, just like owning a house, or a cell phone, or a having a retirement income if you haven't saved money is NOT a right.

I'm glad we are in the US where you actually have to earn things and not have gvt hand out everything. Washington, and espcially Jefferson would be turning over in their graves right now.
(this reply assumes that the OP is for real)

Understand that the rest of the free world -- not just Britain, but pretty much every other "first world" democracy -- has healthcare outcomes comparable to the good, old, beer-drinkin', NASCAR-watchin', self-congratulatin' U S of A -- and they do it far more cost-effectively than we do.

On this side of the pond, the pharmaceutical and health insurance industries spent a BILLION dollars (not hyperbole, btw) lobbying congress to protect their profit motives (it worked, btw), and those same corporations spent massive amounts of their customer's dollars to turn right around and scare them: "Healthcare would be RATIONED!" "Socialism!" "Death Panels!" And all that other ********.

Anyway, while millions of Americans talk with outrage and indignation about reformers trying to make our healthcare system look more like Europe's, the Europeans/Koreans/Japanese/Australians/Israelis/etc.-- ALL of them-- they collectively talk about how crazy the American system is. For example, in the article you link.

I'm strongly opposed to Obamacare too. Except I'm opposed to it because the whole damn system is broken. We need massive reforms, which, thanks to our system that lets the corporations effectively write our legislation, we didn't get. Instead, it took a horribly inefficient, and wildly overpriced system that tens of millions can't begin to pay for, kept that system largely intact, and passed the bill to the taxpayers. Effectively, a massive transfer of wealth from the public coffers to the corporations. Pretty much what you're going to get with our corrupt system.
You are more than welcome to move to Canada and or the UK if you like their healthcare so much!!!

Don't force your opinon or options on me. I pay my bills and worked my *** off to get my education, why do you want to penalize me?
Different strokes for different strokes. I like and admire the culture in Canada and Europe, but I am an American and I'll work for an America I like better. I think health care delivery to the poor can be improved while taking little away from my family. It's just whether we share costs through unpaid emergency room visits or other mechanisms that I believe can work better. I've been exposed to the Massachusetts plan and think it's pretty good.
If you want to pay more you are more than welcome too. There is nothing forcing you to do that. Why should I be forced to pay more?

Whatever happened to a family taking care of their own? Or working within your local communites to help the poor?

Too bad the Massachussets System is bankrupting that state.

I don't like to bring church into my political discussions, but my church does alot more for the poor then the government can or ever will.
Major: if you went to UT, you did not pay for your education, the taxpayers paid a large part of it. Your attitude is one of the problems in this country: everybody wants the benefits of living here and then ignores the fact that none of us really pays their own way totally.

You do have health insurance, don't you? Do you really think your insurance company pays for all the costs associated with your treatment? Do you think those hospitals exist in all their expensive glory solely based on what insurance companies pay them? The hospitals are all subsidized by the government. Us.

IF some person with no insurance shows up at a hospital they aren't going to be turned away; the taxpayers pay a huge bundle every year to treat them. Want to change that? Want to kick the freeloaders out on the street and let them die? Why not? Why should you have to pay for them? They choose not to buy insurance, so let them die.

I would rather have the government force them to buy insurance, just like I do, even if it means I have to help pay for it.

Maybe it is just the result of all that christian brainwashing I got as a kid, but it just seems the right thing to do.

As for the europeans, they don't all have written bills of rights but they enjoy measures of freedom that would be alien to the citizens of rural Texas.
What the **** is wrong with Europe? I love it there. Have a great time every time I go. But for different circumstances I'd love to spend a year or two in Paris. And I've spent considerable time in Norway (like a lot of time) and Spain and Germany and pretty much think it's just great.

I love Texas, too, but don't think it's necessarily better than many places I've been in in Europe. Just different.
I never said anything was wrong with Europe. We here in the United States should not be forced to buy something by our gvt. No one can point to the Consitution and tell me where it says in there that the gvt get's to tell me I have to buy X product/service.

If you love Europe so much then move there. IMHO Texas is the best place on earth...though we could use a little less of the leftists in Austin, but it makes it interesting.
Excuse me, I paid for every dime of my education, and I pay a very large amount in property taxes every year and my parents when they were lilving in Texas paid a ton in property taxes. Tell me the government paid for my education, if they paid for yours they should demand their money back!!!!

I think that I have every right in the world to say that I worked my way through college and paid every dime for my education, thank you very much.

See that is your problem, is you think government should be in charge of everything, and give everything away.

Sorry, I didn't sleep my way through HS, sorry my highest achievements in life are not my HS diploma or that I am 40 aspiring to get a GED. Sorry I busted my *** in school to be accepted to what school I wanted to go to and knew from an early age how hard I had to work.

It is people like you that want to give participation trophies out and reward people for being lazy and screwing around when I was busting my ***.

Tell me how much the government pays for my insurance, do you even know that Health Insurance has only even been prevelent in this country for the past 40 years?

Do you know that poor people can get Medicaid, people with other disabilities or older people can get Medicare? It is people like you that just want to give away more and more of my money. I pay over 50% of my gross to the fricking government in various ******* taxes. When is enough enough? Half of the **** the government spends this money on is the biggest bunch of ******** in the entire world!!!!

Tell me what is wrong with me......If you want to help people out donate more money to the government, NOTHING is stopping you!!!!!

I don't need or want SS, I don't need or want medicare or Medicaid, I don't need unemployement insurance, I don't need government sponsored Healthcare, give me a choice to opt in or opt out those programs, give me MY FREEDOM TO CHOOSE!! My family takes care of our own and nobody in my immediate family needs any of those programs, give them the option to opt in if they choose!

Let's make those programs voluntary and don't let the politiicans continually rob peter to pay paul!!!!!

What are we going to do about the real debt in this country, $65 TRILLION in unfunded entitlements that politicians have been stealing from since the 1930's?

Obamacare is just another way to prolong and increase the UNFUNDED $65 Trillion Dollar entittlement programs. What do you care though, you will be long gone by the time that rooster comes home!!!!
The French loved our Revolution – they actually help out quite a bit, and they went broke doing it.

Our Revolution inspired the French Revolution, which inspired Napoleon to spread the ideas through Europe.

All the European countries have constitutions and bills of rights. You can say it started with the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen, but you can go back further with the Magna Carta. The first thing called “The Bill of Rights” was created in 1689, so it’s not an American idea.

Just know that all the philosophies of the Enlightenment were a European, not American, idea. Europe is more socialist today, but when you study history, you see the reason for that.
Major: please accept my apologies for thinking your education was paid for in part by the taxpayers in the form of subsidies to the University of Texas. Because you are posting on a UT related site and sport that username, I just assumed you got a public education. Apparently you went from kinder through college at private schools. Which would explain your patrician wiggery I guess.

And I don't think the government should be in charge of everything. For example, I think that protecting me and you from the communists should have been done by a privately financed militia made up of mercenaries. I think keeping all the foreigners out of the country should be done by volunteers patrolling the Rio Grande, strictly voluntarily mind you, and that off duty airline pilots should be voluntarily manning the flight control towers at the airports: which should be built by subscription rather than taxing those of us who don't fly much.

Armed robbers and child molesters can be dealt with in a similar fashion: those who wish to see them deterred can form roaming packs of vigilance to hunt them down and kill them. Jails are too expensive and how many people would voluntarily hang around one of those dumps anyway?

People who want insurance should pay for it themselves and government regulation of the insurance industry should be abolished as it is a drag on the markets. Those insurance guys should be able to set their own underwriting standards because they know the business better than some bureaucrat paid for with my tax dollars. Shoot, I bet the insurance markets, if unregulated, would be so good that everybody could afford health insurance and you wouldn't have any uninsured for those left wing ******* to whine about. Yes, that would work good.

Get rid of medicare and medicaid and let the old folks and the poor fend for themselves. If they don't have the money to afford the reasonable rates charged by the medical industry, well, they were going to die sometime anyway. So long as there is a medical industry sufficiently funded to take care of god fearing social darwinists like Major, well, all is right in the world.

Have a nice Easter weekend and try to avoid churches because most of them are infested with people who have been brainwashed into thinking that we are all brothers.
Golly you liberals are sure predictable let someone else work their *** off and others less fortunate reap the benefits. Carl would be proud. How about a little personal responsibility
I think the point is our country already has too many government programs that we cannot pay for. Let's reduce these significantly (meanwhile forcing some of the lazy asses to support themselves), and get this country back on the right track.

And I agree that health insurance is not a right.

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