ESPN is crap and about as objective as MSNBC. I watched the “Baker Mayfield For Heisman” show by the announcers of the OU/Kansas game and could not believe the lovefest Greg McElroy exibited for the little jerk Baker. The entire game was about his greatness and why he should win the Heisman, even as he grabbed his package with a couple of f- - - you’s to the Kansas players.
ESPN has crossed over to biased and political b.s. and jerks like McElroy will do nothing to help their standings. He is worse on radio.....just a jerk.
found that the best, and only, way to find out what is actually going on in the sports world is to watch PTI--I immediately change the channel afterwards...
Agree about McElroy, I watching him do some show and was really surprised by the disrespect he was spewing toward players.
This is sort of on the subject but off.....Is the Longhorn Network really a joke around Texas's neck, causing all of our problems? I think the LN was the result of Texas winning at a ridiculous rate for a decade plus. It just so happened that Mack trailed off after the Bama loss and we've struggled to right the ship. But there's got to be pluses to having your own tv show....