ESPN to start showing video game competitions..


1,000+ Posts
Why? This is definitely not a sport. And sounds like it would be boring as hell to watch.

I guess if people will sit and watch a car race for two or three hours, they'll watch pimply-faced geeks play role-playing games for hours on end...

The Link
I doubt it will be role playing games, it will probably be sports games, fighting games, and shoot-em-ups.

My (17-year-old) brother in law is a semi-professional CounterStrike player. I don't know how it works, but he says this kind of thing is supposed to be huge.
korea still has dedicated starcraft tv channels
They can show me in COD4 getting behind a spawn point in Free for all and mowing people down the entire round.
you mean you guys never stumbled upon that stupid Madden competition they were airing on ESPN2? a bunch of 18-20 yr old dickwads talking **** to each other while playing a video game.... terrible...
I remember in 1996, weekends at 2am on the Univ. Texas Tv Channel these guys played 3-man goldeneye. Each of the 3 panes showed the players character as it would if you were playing the game, but the 4th had a video camera showing the guys playing. That was a bit of fun after returning from the pubs/parties.
OK, in all seriousness, watching someone very skilled at playing a badass game can be kind of hypnotic. To me, the problem is that ESPN will **** this up with constant intercuts to reactions and ******* backstories and ****. "This dude was an orphan at 9, on the streets. Then he built himself up, then wham, Katrina hit. Then he got three jobs, enough to buy a TV and a ******* Xbox 360, and built himself up again, and now he's the best player at Final ******* Fantasy XIV."

"Yes ladies, he's single."
The only thing worse than people sitting on their *** playing video games are people sitting on their *** watching people sitting on thier *** playing video games.
I made some pretty damn good $$ playing Halo tournaments in college.

"Major League Gaming (MLG), the world's first professional video game league, today announced that it has signed the nation's leading four-man Halo 2 team, Final Boss, to a $1 million dollar contract, and Tsquared, one of the top individual pros in the world, to a $250,000 deal. These are by far the largest signings ever for professional video gamers, and the multi-year deals provide for these players to commit exclusively to MLG."

(Can't link while I'm at work, using proxy site)

I bet it really chaps some of you old farts hides to see some "pimply faced geeks" make more than you'll ever dream 21.... playing video games -which is something they actually enjoy doing.

Gaming is a huge industry, but obviously you didn't know that. Nor would you realize that ESPN is not the first network to cover gaming tournaments.

If you have a problem with it, try not watching it.
Video games, darts, dominoes, poker, nascar and endless hours of self appointed experts to explain it all to us. The Entertainment Sports Network is becoming the Useless Crap Network.
High-five Tallgrant!!
I'm glad someone else remembers the Goldeneye show.
That was some great late night tv watching which was only rivaled by Puppetose.
I'll watch Halo for sure I got into playing just recently some of those guys are seriously good and they make damn good money. I know TenDeadF1ngerz is a bad *** halo player too.
I was pretty into head-to-head gaming back in the Quake 2/3 days. I played some against then reigning world champ fatal1ty one year. Even back in the early days of gaming tournaments, he won something like $200,000 that year. I understand he went on to be a pretty high profile CS player as well.
I don't think anyone cares how much money you make playing video games. Why would anyone want to watch some idiot playing a mindless video game?
If you make $10 million wiping your butt with corncobs, is ESPN going to start televising the Professional Buttwiping Tour? If they do, I won't be watching, butt more power to 'em.
This is obviously a thread full of youngins. This is more like ESPN going back to it origins. ESPN from the beginning was about the oddest sports and events. Its only became the Sportscenter/NBA/NFL channel.
This makes me almost as excited as when I heard the announcement about the car coming out that was a station wagon-SUV-hybrid-crossover!

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