ESPN ranks Euless Trinity #1


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ESPN has their ranking of the top 50 HS teams. The top 5 are

1.Trinity (Euless, Texas)
2. Lowndes (Valdosta, Ga)
3. De La Salle (Ca)
4. St Thomas Aquinas ( Fort Lauderdale)
5. Jenks (Oklahoma)

Other Texas and area teams are:
12. Lake Travis
19. Plano
30. Southlake Carroll
33. Union (Tulsa)
38. Bastrop (La)
40. Katy
44. Odessa Permian
46. Desert Vista (Phoenix) - school of Devon Kennard
I wonder who De La Salle will be playing OOC..they usually play a couple good teams...
I'm THS class of 1975. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd see MY HIGH SCHOOL ranked No 1 in the nation.

We sucked when I was in high school. Of course, that was way before the Tongans moved to town.

I might have to dust off my class ring!

I almost never go back to Euless and I have nothing whatsoever to do with this, but I am very happy about this development!
Pleased to see the RB Rex Burkhead lead Plano Wildcats on that list. Have always liked the Wild, or in a few years, Mildcats. We lived in Plano about 8 years and my kids would have gone to HS there if we had not moved to McKinney.

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