Ernst Young Evalutes BO Tax Hike

By the way, the $81Billion is assuming that the Uber rich keep investing like they are, most estimate they would stop investing and the ten year actual would be $31Billion. I took the higher number to be polite and kind to the President as we all know he has problems understanding the economy.
Just another example of why BO is wrong for the country. He is not stupid. He knows there is very little actrual benefit to this. But, it is a campain issue. **** the good of the country, just get relelcted. pathetic.
I think that's the point - it doesn't pay for anything! It's purely punitive. You've got a president who's on record as saying that even if raising the capital gains tax resulted in lower tax revenue, he would still be in favor of it from the standpoint of fairness. So why would anyone expect him to implement tax policy that actually resulted in increasing tax revenue or closing the deficit, when that's not even his goal?
Of course you are. Big surprise.
Obama's policies are just so freaking backwards. How can anyone think raising taxes on businesses is a good idea in this economy. Even Clinton thinks Obama is wrong on his tax policies.
Again, it is 81 Billion over 10 years at the most. That is taking 81 Billion dollars out of the hands of people that take risks and create jobs and giving it to the government to create more Predators or give it to a study on the migration habits of fleas on a poodle.

I understand your hate of people that have made something of themselves or were fortunate enought to have parents that did but why do you insist on such a ******** tax increase that is not going to help this country one way or another?
So the tax increases on those making over $250k will be used to "fund" the maintenance of the current tax rates for those making less then $250k? And that is suppose to be stimulative and lead to job creation?
It won't stimulate anything and it certainly won't be used to reduce the deficit or debt. For the statists it will be more fair though. Yea!
hornpharmd -

I agree with your statement above. We need more revenue and less spending.

Clinton raising taxes is often cited as proof that the effects of tax increases do't lead to economic collapse. But let's not forget, he raised taxes in a roaring economy and coupled it with spending decreases and a major reform of welfare.

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