Eric Stephens


25+ Posts
I went to check out Antoine Hicks and Timberview last year and this guy absolutely blew me away.
Someone help me, explain to me why this guy is not getting more attention.
If we are looking hard at Burkhead, Swope and others, why is Stephens being basically omitted?
His video is up on Rivals. He's a legit back. He's a low 4-star back.

He's a bit slow for his size, and bit small for his speed. Thats all thats keeping him from being in the Natl Top 100. Nice balance and footwork, is quicker than he is fast, and can finish off runs.

He reminds me of Emmit Smith in that SMith wasn't the biggest, and wasn't the fastest, wasn't the quickest or the toughest. But he was the most productive.

He'll be a player wherever he goes. I could see him doing well at Mizzou, a la Tony Temple (though Temple was a higher rated prospect coming out of high school).
Good assesment Bundy and the Tony Temple comparison is valid. He may fit into a system like Tech or Mizzou better than UT or A&M because of the scatability open space factor, but then again I'm from the school that a player is a player and he will adapt if need be. I'm not sure I totally buy the lack of speed argument because we all know that football is not a straight line sport and Stephens is quicker than most in and out of his cuts, but I get your point.

I guess what I am confused about is I haven't seen him on anyones Jr. day invite list. There is no way he is not in the same league as all the other RB's getting invites to these Jr days, and frankly my opinion is he is a notch above some of them. With Hicks gone this year he should get more touches and probably more notice as well.

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