Employee Free Choice Act


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Obama has promised to "fight" for this legislation which apparently would take away the employee's right to secret ballots for unionizing purposes.

Do you trust the unions to run these open card petitions in a clean & honest manner?

What will this do the the right to work laws in Texas and other states?
Much like the tort reform myths, union horror stories are vastly exaggerated.

We need much stronger unions, and we should negotiate trade deals that allow for organization of work forces.
Right to Work states perform much better in almost every measure than states with strong pro-union regulations. More jobs, better growth, more people moving there rather than fleeing. Etc. etc. etc.
Unions only work in non-educated professions. Even in those cases they often hurt the workers more than help them. Overall, I think the threat of unionizing is a much more effective for workers than actually unionizing.
"the writers' strike?"

ha ha ha

You're right. Because they are "writers" and members of a "writer's" union - clearly that makes them educated. Please excuse me while I retreat into my dark basement room and write a some euro-trash-uppity-intellectual-garbage of a script.
We need much stronger unions, and we should negotiate trade deals that allow for organization of work forces.

You have obviously never tried to run a business. even in texas it is difficult to get rid of bad employees, with a union it is next to impossible.
There are conflicting studies on wages and benefits, but most agree that real, after tax incomes are higher in right to work states. Purchasing power (due to cost of living differences) is greater in right to work states, and ultimately right to work states tend to have lower tax burdens than compulsory unionization states. Also, if you compare similar states within the same region (rather than trying to compare very dissimilar states like California and Tennessee), you find that incomes are even greater in right to work states than forced unionization states.

Ultimately, people understand these things and are voting with their feet in a big way, moving to states with greater economic freedom.

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