Email from 1530 regarding E. Hogan signal


25+ Posts
I emailed them this morning out of frustration with 1300. The only thingI edited was taking out my work email address... (My original email is at the bottom)


As far as the signal strength is concerned, rest
assured the problem is in the works. We are erecting
a second antenna currently and you can expect to hear
1530 clearly throughout the Austin city limits and
well beyond VERY soon. You'll start hearing promos
about a big event coming very soon on our station. It
won't be a secret when we get our power boost.
As far as E is concerned. I cannot speak to that.
All I can say is that we are close to extending our
local programming from 6AM to 7PM.
Thanks for the email and I'd be glad to listen to
any comments you have about the direction ESPN is
heading and what you want out of your Austin sports
radio. Thanks for listenning.

Brian Smith
--- jthomen <[email protected]> wrote:

> > Please tell me you guys are getting E. Hogan..? I
> > can't tell yall enough
> > how much I enjoy your afternoon show. Those guys
> > have great sports
> > takes, great interviews, and great personalities.
> > 1300 is a sinking ship
> > and I will happily stop listening now that their
> > morning show had broken
> > up. You guys definitely need a morning show and need
> > to increase your
> > range in the afternoons (I live NW). Thanks for the
> > changes. Jake
> >
I'm sure Hogan has some type on "no compete" clause which prevents parties from discussing. The move to local programming from 6a-7p signals something is in the works. The better signal will be nice.
Pretty much. You can get them to stick if it is within reason, but it seems the courts don't care for them too much.
I believe some of the local newscasters had to sit out a while or go to another market for a while before returning to a competing station. I think it's a contract issue and not so much a right-to-work issue. But, I could be wrong.
Non-competes are enforceable but they have to be limited in time and scope. A 1-year non-compete for the Austin market is almost definitely enforceable.
On noncompete clauses; In the past you were paid for the noncompete clause, then corps. started stating in your contract that a % of your pay included a noncompete. These are ways in which you are bound. Now if E's contract expired he is not held to anything; free agent.
Regardless of contracts, from a) Bucky and b) the email, it sounds like Erin will be at 1530 very soon... and I think Bucky is doing everything he can to get fired and join him.... poor Craig Way
What kind of relationship does UT have with 1300? Can they switch to another station to carry UT games? Just wondering...
Put the Longhorn games back on 590 where they were when you could go hunting and hear them.

Let all of the talk show guys go to the ESPN affiliate and let 1300 turn into the fart joke network that spends hours talking about changing diapers and Baylor vs. Kentucky basketball.
1300 is locked in with UT until something like 2015.

Whether UT could buy out the contract is up for debate I guess, but all things being equal, 1300 owns UT sports for a long, long time.
Drew, I agree that there is no way in knowing without looking but I was being really broad and general. If his contract ended, as in was not renewed, he would probably be a free agent. The 1% of your standard pay including a noncompete is the most crafty I've seen and it was a Clear Channel contract.

It would interesting to see how much Austin programming 1530 will instill because ESPN doesn't like a lot of local programming. They took the ESPN brand away from 790 in Houston because they weren't happy with their local lineup. You can make more money with local programming anyway, so it no matta.
As long as Craig Way is the voice of the Longhorns, as determined by UT, he can work where he wants to, right? He could just show up to broadcast, do his job and go on his way. I hope that 1300 loses every shred of sports talent very soon. The only revenue they get is from UT games and their advertising suffers from it. Let them become bible pumpers or something.

This way XM subscriptions can increase and people don't have to rely on weak signals or anything else. You hunters, get XM and you can listen to the Horns games in the middle of the Mojave desert if you choose, whilst hunting Iguana.
Our broadcast rights are now owned by IMG, the largest sports marketing firm in the country. They could not care less what kind of format is being run by the "flagship" station -- as long as the checks don't bounce.

UT has worked very, very hard for the broadcast rights (and the financial details) to be a "third-party" set-up. Maybe the Zone might want out of the contract if their shake up continues unabated (they did overpay for the local rights) but again, as long as the contract is being met financially, IMG won't give a damn what is going on elsewhere on the station.

And while the UT athletic department may not be happy with the sound and tenor of The Zone, it isn't anything that they want to get involved in.

Craig Way is "hired" by IMG --with UT's consent -- for the Longhorn Sports Network. He doesn't have to be affiliated with KVET to still be the Voice of the Longhorns.
UT and any state affiliated entity can break any contract they want and not worry about it under the doctrine of sovereign immunity. If you don't believe me go look up the Federal Sign case from the mid 90s. Makes me wonder why anyone does business with the state, but that's another issue.

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