Eliminate property taxes in Texas?


500+ Posts
Some of you may recall back during Rick Perry's last re-election for Governor, Debra Medina ran a primary challenge. One of the big issues she campaigned on was a tax plan that replaced property taxes with a revenue neutral sales tax plan:
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Debra Medina is testifying before the State Ways and Means committee in Austin this coming Thursday, May 3. If you'd like to support her zero property tax plan, you are invited to show up and voice your support:

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I love that idea. Its ridiculous that we are renting our property from the state. Furthermore, why should you be penalized continuously if you want to move into a more valuable home.
Agree, property tax needs to go.
The 254 different individual county ad valorem appraisals are a joke.
If nothing else, the ad valorem needs to be eliminated and have the state set a standard per foot cost for everyone.

Then we could work on eliminating school districts.
Actually I dont' think conservatives want to pay more taxes unless they recieve benefit of the taxes.
SanAntonio has at least 10 school districts and the multiplying cost of 10 administrations. At least 5 of the elected school boards are made up of people that have the education and economic know how of a Bulgarian shoe factory worker.
Eliminate it all and have the state equalize the amount paid by
square foot property tax and distribute the funds per school per pupil.
Demographics will determine who utilizes the funds to get educated. We just wont be throwing money away.

Cut our taxes and make no change in results.

Edgewood graduation rate before lawsuit 1990 = under 50%
Edgewood today 2011 = under 50%

It aint about how much money a school gets, it's about demographics.
Property taxes are bull$hit - worse than an income tax. However, eliminating them and going with an expanded sales tax would be ideal.
It's gratifying to see support for the idea. Hope to see some of you peeps at the capital next week for the hearing. If you can't make it, I would highly suggest emailing people who are campaigning right now to represent you for State Representative and State Senator. Ask them if they support the plan. WeTexans made this candidate pledge last election cycle:

The Link

They aren't currently promoting it because they lack the resources to do it right, but nothing is stopping voters from asking candidates directly. I've already contacted everyone running for my districts and have gotten some interesting feedback.

You are much more likely to hear back directly from the candidates now that they are campaigning in primaries than if you wait until one is nominated / elected.
If the Bush Tax Cuts go away at year end, doesn't the ability to deduct sales taxes as well? If so, and it is tax neutral switch, I would prefer to deduct my property taxes on my federal return...
You are not taking control of my local education school board, you are not socializing it. It is one of the best in the country/world and we pay a dam good penny for it despite the Fed and State. If you can't run your own school board, that is your problem, don't inflict your lack of leadership upon others.
Maj, I agree unless my school taxes are paying for some one elses corrupt, incompetent school district. I would rather not pay ad valorum taxes on my property to send to another district. If my taxes were high due to funding and creating a superior school district in my area, I would not have a problem. But the hell with taxing my property and sending the tax money to some piece of crap school district that can't even get 50% of its students graduated.
Put us on an even basis on collected tax revenue that is determined by square footage.
A 2000' house on the southside of San Antonio will be taxed at the same rate as a 2000' house on the northside of San Antonio or a 2000' house in Plano or a 2000' house in Katy. Revenue distributed evenly. I want Edgewood out of my back pocket.
Education will still be determined by demographics, with the best educated kids being those who have parents that care about their kids education.
We are graduating kids that can't comprehend the written word, compose or write a simple letter or complete the simplest math tasks. A simple graduation test that even a moron that has gone 12 years to school should be able to pass is deemed so difficult that teachers have to teach to the test? Sorry, it is a waste of money.
Get rid of the school districts and set a state standard tax rate for property owners, divide the tax revenue equally per student, or divide it by county, or state school areas.
Just quit wasting my money.
Sorry, I think property taxes, I think school taxes, then corrupt school district.

I agree that property taxes should be replaced with sales tax that everyones pays.
I will send email to rep and senator.
I find myself in complete agreement with Majorwhiteapples. The Lewisville ISD has damned good leadership and provides my child an exemplary education (even if his campus in not rated exemplary. )
To remove my ability to pay higher taxes for better schools and replace it with complete state control of the pursestrings would have me out in the streets screaming. Let Rick Perry concentrate on prayer, social issues and taking care of his rich contributors. I don't want that doofus setting the funding level for my kid's schools. I trust the values, priorities and intellect of my local school board. Not so much the Legislature and elected leaders of this state who continually seem to make themselves more beholden to the priviledged and special intersts.
Doesn't a sales tax shift the revenue to the lower end of the income spectrum? Meaning - poor and low middle class who can't buy a house but have to spend almost all their income on food/gas/clothes - they are the ones that would pay more in taxes under this plan. And those that own valuable homes now would get a huge tax break and probably invest most of that savings, paying significantly lower taxes overall?
I'm thinking that doing away with property taxes will just make housing more expensive. People will look to see how much they can afford and make their purchase based on that. Almost 1/3 of my monthly payment is taxes. I would have bought a more expensive home if there were no taxes on it. People will then be paying a premium for housing as well as the sales tax. Goodbye disposable income. What am I missing?
Deez - see pages 100-101 of the proposal

chango - From what I remember, the proposal exempted goods that are normally associated with a regressive sales tax - food and health services. Property taxes are factored into the costs of nearly every good produced in Texas anyway right now, but it's a hidden cost. The proposal would make the tax more transparent.

Larry - I suspect that property values will increase, but rent payments will decrease. The proposal also includes a one time sales tax on real estate at the point of sale, so I'm not sure how much more expensive of a property the new system would have afforded you.
As I understood it, that would only apply to rural districts which do not have a significant population and/or business activity. Their property tax burden would still be greatly reduced and, I would hope, provide relief for small farms.
The property tax and current school district system is the worst vehicle for funding schools that I could have imagined. So a married couple with no kids living in a $1MM home pays more into the school system than a family with 5 kids living in a $200k home. Is that rational on any level? I am fine with subsidizing schools with taxes to some degree but there should be some pay for services component of school funding. Property taxes should at a minimum be higher for families with children in public schools.
If by demographics you mean the PARENTS, then I whole heartedly agree with you. Academic success is primarily driven by how much emphasis parents give it in the home. It's that simple. If the parents don't focus on it, then the kids grades and academic success/failure will reflect it.

It's the reason all of the programs and money we've thrown at this over the years have done so little. Because the programs can't/don't/won't change the culture within the home.

Numerous studies have shown that kids have pretty much settled on their academic track by the time they are in 2nd grade. And if you think about it, there is very little material that kids get in K/1/2 that the average parent can't help with. It's just a matter of priorities in the home. And more money thrown at schools won't fix that.

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