Election 2012: Most racist ever


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"I said over a year ago that this was going to be, this presidential race, Lawrence, was going to be the ugliest, the nastiest, the most divisive, and the most racist in the history of this Republic," PBS host Tavis Smiley said on MSNBC.

My God does this cat have a short term historical memory. Oh well, you can't help morons without an appreciation for history. He is correct about one thing. The term "racist" will be thrown around more than any election in history. It seems to be one of the major talking points the pundits use to defend Obama policies.

The fact that BHO was elected does not magically help resolve the racists who didn't vote for him, who have continued to invent theories about him since his election, and who repeatedly spread their message of fact-less based hate to people they know.

Racism has come a long way in this country, but as is evident everywhere- is still clearly alive and well.
"most racist" is on point?

Gotta get that race card out early, just in case the economy continues to suck. Instead of talking about the dollar continuing to collapse and piling on debt, this is what the debate will be. And as you can see, a couple of trout have already taken the bait.
Obama got over 95% of the African-American Vote in 2008. So, is this guy expecting him to get 99% in 2012? Not sure how an election can be more racist than 95%.
Would any of you leftists be willing to acknowledge that it might just be barely possible that some of us are opposed to Obama because of his policies? I don't care if he is black, white, or green with purple polka dots - I oppose him because he is trying hard to pull the country into socialism with policies like wealth redistribution, national healthcare, and the like. And that's not even mentioning the fact that the unions own him.

I don't speak for leftists, but sure HH, I think it's easy to concede that point.

I also think it's interesting that these references to racism gleaned from combing media reports are almost always posted by guys on the right extremely touchy about the issue. I also wonder how easy it would have been to believe that Obama was a closet terrorist/radical muslim/radical racist Christian if he didn't just look a little different than the usual candidate.

I doubt that the majority, the vast majority, of people opposed to Obama are racist. I also think it likely that a minority of the opposition is racist whether they want to face up to it or not.
If 95% of Caucasians vote for the Caucasian GOP candidate, and 95% of African Americans vote for the African American Dem candidate, which vote will be the racist one, according to this guy?
if Colin Powell had intended to run on a satisfactory platform, regardless of party affiliation, I would have voted for him.

If Bobby Jindal had turned into a viable and winnable candidate, regardless of party affiliation, I would have considered voting for him.

If Marco Rubio were running on a winnable ticket, regardless of party affiliation, I would consider voting for him.

But, since many didn't like what Obama ran on, and don't like what he's doing now, Tavis Smiley paints these voters as racist? He has a very close-minded commentary, in my opinion.
Of course there are racists in this country, but the racists that would not vote for obama have as much chance of ruining his reelection chances as those people that believe we didnt land on the moon have a chance to influence the election. its a silly argument. 36% of the people out there will vote for the democrat and 36% will vote for a republican. The independents will decide it like they always do. The racists on both sides are already counted as rep or dem.

My prob with Obama is similar to the one I had with Carter, the difference is that Obama is worse. Obama is worse because he sees america and americans as an outsider. He does this because he is an outsider. He wasnt raised here. He is not there representing the interests of the majority. He sees america as an outsider would...an imperialist nation that is the cause of most of the worlds problems. it is a bs, pseudointellectual view but one that he was taught by his family and "friends."
Likewise there are other people who wanted the first black president and who could not tell you one thing that he was for and one thing that he was against.
Smiley is a walking cliche and the most race obsessed person in the media. Even on bill maher's show he manages to fluster bill and the lefty audience with his "race is behind everything" mantra.

I once heard him say that the US is no better in their treatment of women than the Islamic fundamentalist countries.

Straight up loon
In some places like Louisiana and Mississippi and east Texas I think his race was a factor in whites voting against him.

As for blacks voting for him, that is a different matter. When I was a little kid growing up catholic everybody I knew was for Kennedy because we were all told no catholic could ever get elected president. His election did reflect a serious decline in anti catholic attitudes in the country, which were virulent for a hundred years. Look it up if you doubt me.

So I don[t think blacks voting for the first serious candidate who was half black was "racist" in the sense of being motivated by bigotry. They weren't voting against McCain because he was white but rather for Obama because he was part black.

But I agree that most of the animosity towards Obama is not racially motivated. Most of my friends who despise him do so for the same reason they hated Clinton---they think he is a threat to the country and many think he is a communist. I think both those beliefs are absurd but I didn[t vote for him because I am bigoted against Ivy Leaguers. And I wouldn[t vote for McCain because I grew up in a navy town and don't like naval aviators. They are as arrogant as Ivy Leaguers.

Basically, I think it is a pocket book issue. Obama would, if he could, raise taxes on those of us with six figure incomes and so most people in that category think he is the anti christ or something like one.
I never heard of Tavis Smiley before today. He really stirred up the toilet bowl and got a lot of free publicity for himself in the process, which is probably all he was after.
Oilfield, while you make a valid point, I think that blind hatred and blind following are essentially and equally bad, no winner in that argument, but the populus is the loser because the uneducated masses can dictate the direction of our leadership.
Wow what a stupid view general.

yes, how stupid of me, sociology doesnt mean much in conditioning people. i forgot Obama was all knowing and above such silly science. my mistake.
I can't stand Obama. He is half white, and that it just too white for me... I will probably vote for Alan Keyes again because as Borat said, he is a 'genuine chocolate face.'

(OBVIOUS sarcasm above)
Advice for GOP: hitch your wagon to Huckabee or Romney or a similar non buffoonish candidate. Since the independents will elect the president, that's the only hope you have. Palin, Bachmann, Trump, Paul, etc. will not win you the POTUS. They will make some of you feel good, but those are the people who would not vote for BHO anyway.
as someone who will probably be rooting for whoever is running against Obama. I still don't think I would vote FOR ANY of the candidates you just named.
Palin is an idiot who wears lipstick... ditto Bauchman save at least she seems willing to spend less than the government takes in. Trump is a blowhard bad business man with a cheap toupe. Ron Paul has some good points, but is too far out of the step of the mainstream, Huckabee is a baptist preacher turned tv show host, Romney is a big government Yankee who believes in an odd cult.... Did I hit everyone you mentioned?

Seriously the GOP needs to run a decent candidate.
I think one of the more successful governors will get "drafted" pretty much like GWB did. The money will get behind one of them.
Socialist is a "race" now? Because that's the reason why I, and 100% of the people I know who dislike Obama, are against him. I've never even heard any of them mention that he is part black.

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