Election 2012 - 2 Landslides in the Making?


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"The stock market is precariously close to slipping into a landslide. If the economy and stock market both continue declining into late October, the presidential election could also turn into a landslide--against the incumbent."

"Let's consider the critical backdrops of the economy and stock market: household income and corporate profits. Market bulls like to tout rising profits as the reason the market can keep climbing higher in a global recession, but before we get too euphoric let's recall that the earnings of 90% of American households have been flat since 1970."

"All those fabulous profits were built on two now-crumbling edifices: astounding levels of household debt and a declining U.S. dollar that boosted the critical overseas profits (40% of all profits) via currency devaluation. Now that the dollar has broken out of a multi-decade downtrend and has been rising for a year, those tailwinds have turned into headwinds."
The Link
I don't know Rex. I think the current state of the US under Obummer has already turned voters in 2008 that said "hey I'm going to vote Obama and change" into, "what the hell was I thinking." Add to that the recent Supreme Ct. decision and I think Obummer is done even if the stock market and economy doesn't tank.
I saw an article that said Obama's negative campaign ads attacking Romney for outsourcing jobs were succeeding in converting voters to Obama. Of course, those ads neglect to mention that when Obama "insourced" jobs by bailing out Detroit, he did so using taxpayer money.
Bevo - unfortunately many people cannot think past what they hear in ads, and have no clue as to how things work. So...we all get stuck with the decisions of these people and those for whom the government cannot do enough. But hey - it's free! It's like 800 phone numbers - if it's free for me I could care less who is paying for it. If it's built into the price of goods, who cares?
If only America would listen to the nuanced discussion on the West Mall Board, wherein lies the solution to all its woes...
I don't know, the Tea Party results in 2010 were pretty encouraging in seeing real grass roots changes. If they can continue the momentum to get us closer to a constitutional structure that will be a very good thing IMO.
Ted Cruz is a moderate too. The difference between them is minimal. He says he would have voted this way or that back when he was not in a position to vote at all. Hell, I can do that. If I was Colt McCoy, I would have turned upfield quicker on the play against Bama when he got hurt. I would not have been injured, probably scored a TD and we would have won the NC by three touchdowns.

See how easy that is?

Ask Ted when he wants to invade Iran or send in the fleet to clobber Syria or maybe some drones to kill Assad. Ask him when he wants the CIA to kill the Castro brothers, etc. His answers, once parsed, aren't going to be a bit different from K's.

He is just another bs artist with a fair approximation of the geometry of getting elected. People need to quit deluding themselves into thinking any of these lying scum are superstatesman who are "going to make a difference."

I saw one of his ads today in which he says we should fight Obama by defeating Dewhurst. Am I to believe Dewhurst is a big supporter of Obama? The mendacity of these people surpasses even my cynical expectations.

If the economy tanks bigtime, Obama loses. Just like McCain went into the fire when it tanked a few months before the last election.

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