And what happened to all that money spent to "fix" the ozone hole over Antarctica? It's still there.
See, the problem is that pseudoscientists have climbed in bed with screaming, mouth-breathing political activists (half of whom are, sadly, now in the government's employ as bureaucrats). Instead of simply doing the science, these guys feel the need to tell everybody how they must live their lives because of the unsupportable projections and supposed dire implications of their modelling (not the basic science, the attempt to model worldwide changes in a chaotic system and predict long-term future results using grossly oversimplified data sets and huge, usually wrong assumptions).
Funny, though, that it's always Americans and Europeans who must change. Has any fruit loop anthropogenesist run over to China to demand they lower their CO2 emissions? India? No? I didn't think so. Well, sport, **** off then. Those are your problem spots and if you don't have the cojones to protest where the real problem areas are, then I don't want to hear your idiocy at all. Because I know what you're going to say: you're going to say it's all my fault, and that I, in essence, have to give up my personal liberty to fit your perceived notion of nirvana. It's not going to happen, not in my lifetime.