East Coast sea level rising faster than expected

Does this mean that the earth has changed shape, the moon has changed orbit, or that changes in currents affect some areas more than others? The reason that I ask is that I assume the gravitational pull around the world is equal and the earth hasn't changed shape and the oceans are all connected and water is fluid. Thus, if you take water from one area, water from another area will fill that void and cause the water level to fall equally. Thus, if the average of water level decline around the world is 5cm, some levels may rise or fall more due to currents, but the average will remain the same and assuming the currents are a small part of the overall ocean mass, a majority of the world would see the 5cm drop.
Computer models long have projected higher levels along parts of the East Coast because of changes in ocean currents from global warming, but this is the first study to show that's already happened.[/ii]

Hmm, interesting.
And what happened to all that money spent to "fix" the ozone hole over Antarctica? It's still there.

See, the problem is that pseudoscientists have climbed in bed with screaming, mouth-breathing political activists (half of whom are, sadly, now in the government's employ as bureaucrats). Instead of simply doing the science, these guys feel the need to tell everybody how they must live their lives because of the unsupportable projections and supposed dire implications of their modelling (not the basic science, the attempt to model worldwide changes in a chaotic system and predict long-term future results using grossly oversimplified data sets and huge, usually wrong assumptions).

Funny, though, that it's always Americans and Europeans who must change. Has any fruit loop anthropogenesist run over to China to demand they lower their CO2 emissions? India? No? I didn't think so. Well, sport, **** off then. Those are your problem spots and if you don't have the cojones to protest where the real problem areas are, then I don't want to hear your idiocy at all. Because I know what you're going to say: you're going to say it's all my fault, and that I, in essence, have to give up my personal liberty to fit your perceived notion of nirvana. It's not going to happen, not in my lifetime.
Jeez. The world is a big place and there are tens of millions of miles of coastlines but AGW just happened to affect the 600 miles on the US east coast that happen to be the political and financial capitals of the world. That is some really bad luck.
What's funny about your post is that you claim my post made zero sense and counter with the arguments for manmade global warming. Nowhere in my post did I address whether manmade global warming was true or not - I just said that it's ridiculous to expect that the head of an oil company would come out and deny it considering how others who have said that have been villified by people such as yourself. I also called into question his qualifications to be an expert on climatology. He's no more an expert on it than your average Huffington Post reader.
The desert is encroaching further and further into Texas. Roughly 10 miles per year. Which means that in about 30 years Austin will look like San Angelo does today.
Bevo, are you saying that this is related to Anthropogenic Global Warming, or are you just sharing a random fact? The fact sounds quite alarming indeed by the way. Can you point us to a good source of information that confirms this claim?

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