Earl F'n Campbell ...

Barton Hills

1,000+ Posts
Was on our flight to Boulder ... sitting 1st row.

Asked for the mic as we're coming into Denver, leads the entire plane thru "The Eyes".

Truly awesome. Story for the ages.

I'm off to go drink. Later.
That is pretty sweet. I'm jealous. I wonder if anyone was able to record it on their cellphone, youtube baby!!

Cool story. Enjoy your trip.
BAD ******* ***. I love flying, and I agree, i think I would have wet my pants if Earl would have led my flight in "The Eyes". Allsome.
holy ****.
Earl was in a wheelchair, but his spirits were sky high.

I can't appreciate how bad-*** that was, cause I never saw him play. I can only imagine what I'd think if VY did the same.

I'm stoked for tomorrow. Colt will make it rain !!!!
Barton Hills, I got to say that is the single coolest news I've heard in a whole lot of time. If I got that chance, I'd tell the story on my death bed.

Campbell is so bad *** for doing that.
Barton Hills ( and any others who never saw Earl play), you need to try to catch some old film highlights on ESPN Classic, or where ever, because the way he ran is not describable in words that I can come up with.
You Tube

This is mainly from his rookie season with the Oilers. Check out the hit on the Ram linebacker at the 1:15 mark.

God Bless you Earl.

(Verrry cool place to be Barton. I'm gonna hafta pronounce your Karma to be "Excellent!")
