DSL Modems


25+ Posts
I'm just looking for a cheap little DSL modem to hook up to my PS2. I saw a couple on eBay for <$5 (<$15 with shipping). Are these good deals for what I want to do?
It's a really bad deal of A) you don't current have DSL service from a carrier or B) You get a DSL modem not configured for your carrier if you DO have one.

At the risk of offending (not my intent, promise), you do know you can't just plug in a DSL modem and get DSL service, right? A DSL modem doesn't work like a traditional dialup modem.
Akak, yes, I know that. I have SBC DSL service. I know that much, but not much beyond that.

idig, the PS2 is in a completely different room and the Online Adapter is set up to be wired in. Is there a wireless adapty-like thing that'll plug into an ethernet jack?

Obviously, I'm a biology student.
If you can't or don't want to run an ethernet cable from the wireless router to the PS2, your best option is to buy an ethernet to wireless bridge, such as this one:

The Link