I went from almost 300 lbs. to my present weight of around 175. I have maintained it for about 3 years now. I am a firm believer that most illnesses/disease/medical conditions are caused by diet. I no longer take heartburn/high blood pressure medicine. I take no medications. I am almost 60. I do not eat late. Lunch is my main meal with a very very light supper, if I eat supper at all. If you eat anything that comes from a chemical lab, medicines included, you WILL have an adverse reaction. Maybe not today, but you will. Your body does not recognize these manmade chemicals. Look at the polynesians. They eat a diet high in fat, mainly from coconut oil. but yet, heart disease and diabetes is almost non-existent. Now look at Vietnam. Diabetes is on the rise, but where. In Ho Chi Min City (Saigon). Why....cause they eat at McDonalds, Chilis, KFC, ect. In otherwords, the American Diet. If you are fat, it is usually cause you choose to be. Your fat, your unhealthy, you take chemicals, and your still fat and unhealthy. We are right where the drug companies want us to be. Why hasnt MSG/Aspartame been banned? Cause the drug companies amke billions treating the symptoms. Sorry, just my little rant for the day.