Don't Qualify for Obamacare? Just lie baby!


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In addition to not enforcing the employer mandate, the Obama Administration, without any authorization from any other body, has decided to use the "honor system" to determine who gets Obamacare subsidies. You don't suppose that this will invite any welfare fraud do you? And, they attempted to hide the announcement by burying it in tons of legal goobledy-gook.
From Forbes:

In reply to:

For once I agree with you. Unfortunately I have seen how MSM and of course pols like BO Reid Pelosi etc treat any idea by a Republican.

The media won't give a republican idea the time of day except to ridicule it and to call all Pubs obstructionists and racists for questioning the plans BO puts forth.

There have been several plans. and there will be more. Too bad there will be shot down before they can be given a fair look.
The fact that you apparently didn't know or don't know about any plans the GOP has and had kinda explains it all
Why can't individuals opt out like the various groups represented by special interest lobby ********?

Are they going to allow non-citizens to have a free Obamacare ticket? Who pays for that?
Selective memory must be so convenient.

There were common sense ideas put forth by Bush and other GOP to lower medical costs and to help people and families pay for health insurance, to expand Schip and Medicaid for children and lower income families, to create health ins pools for small biz so they can't have same cost bargaining power of large corps

I guess since this doesn't fit into the dem , excuse me libertarianism <wink wink> narrative it should be ignored.
The people who are going to be totally screwed by the Obamacare fiasco are the middle class. Low income - free medical care. High income - screw 'em, we'll pay for what we want out of pocket. Middle class - really high premiums and poor service. Yea! Who would have thought?? (Anyone with a functioning brain.)

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