Dog Trainers


< 25 Posts
Can anybody suggest a good dog trainer in Austin?
My vet recommended someone very highly. I don't have the card and sheet of references w/ me just now and don't wanna wake the dog or gf up to get it. PM me if you want it. If it is a big dog and you can part w/ your dog for two weeks, Taurus may work for you. They return a fully trained dog to you. I could not part w/ mine for that long so it is not an option. But if I had no time to do lessons and practice at home that would be the ticket. They come highly recommended as well. Good luck. Mine starts her lessons next weekend I hope.
Does sending the dog off for someone else to do the training hinder the dog's obeying you when you command it?

How much does this place cost?
no, whickums. the trainer "trains" you when you pick up your dog. like I said, I've taken 3 labs to Laura at the Canine Hilton and they are all very obediant, good dogs (they were anyway, but....)
For those that used Canine Hilton, how long did each of your dogs stay out there? What kind of training did your dog receive? How well did it stick afterwards? Why did you send your dog out there as opposed to training at home?

Anyone else have experience training your dog? My boxer is about 5-6 months old and while he knows a few commands, he sometimes decides to ignore me or gets too excited to listen. Not sure if he's too young for me to expect too much, but I want a well-behaved but still a happy dog. Any advice well-appreciated.

Think I might move this over to Quacks for better traffic.
5-6 months old is the perfect age. Duration of time spent at th Canine Hilton depends on the dog's progression. 3-6 weeks, though, typically. 15 commands. How they stick with the dogs depends on how much you work with them. They say 10 mins a day is recommended to keep the dog sharp.