and also insinuated that the Tea Party, which she said regards political opponents as "the enemy," has enhanced divisiveness in Congress and had something to do with the shooting, at least indirectly.
I think the DNC chair is a bit of a nut, but let me see if I understand the op's argument here. He posts a quote that says the DNC chair "insinuated" something about the TP and that the TP may have had something to do with the shooting, "at least indirectly". From that, the op makes the leap that the DNC has "blamed" the TP for the Giffords shooting.
Has the op been educated beyond his intelligence? I think the op is the same poster who linked the Washington Times and attempted to make a constitutional claim on a recent recess appointment. So it's not surprising that his reasoning has lead him to this conclusion.
The Tea Party is somewhat intolerant, somewhat comprised of elderly white racists, and is for smaller government as long as their social security and medicare aren't reduced.