DNC chair blames TP for Giffords shooting

I think she is right to call for more civility in public discourse. Blaming the Tea Party for the actions of a madman is an outrageous twisting of the truth. The Fox News and Rush Limbaugh tirades about the "secret mad hatter" party at the White House did more truth twisting. That said, truth twisting over a mass murder is much more egregious.
this is priceless
" Her calling for more civil discourse is like Larry Flynt calling for a more sexually moral and discrete society. "
well done

What DWS lied about and got ugly about was not another pol but an grass roots org of real normal people .
Now if she'd mentioned OWS where murders, suicides, drug use,theft, rape,beatings, diseases, destruction of businesses destruction of private and public property with filth unimaginable costing taxpayers millions and million along with the Tea Party ;That would have made it equitable.
I'd call this lunatic a politcal hack, but she's way beyond that. More like a caricature of a hack.

Even if I agreed with every stance of the Democrat Party, I'd have to question my own judgement for the simple reason that THIS woman - chosen by Obama himself, if I remember correctly - is in such an influential position.
and also insinuated that the Tea Party, which she said regards political opponents as "the enemy," has enhanced divisiveness in Congress and had something to do with the shooting, at least indirectly.

I think the DNC chair is a bit of a nut, but let me see if I understand the op's argument here. He posts a quote that says the DNC chair "insinuated" something about the TP and that the TP may have had something to do with the shooting, "at least indirectly". From that, the op makes the leap that the DNC has "blamed" the TP for the Giffords shooting.

Has the op been educated beyond his intelligence? I think the op is the same poster who linked the Washington Times and attempted to make a constitutional claim on a recent recess appointment. So it's not surprising that his reasoning has lead him to this conclusion.

The Tea Party is somewhat intolerant, somewhat comprised of elderly white racists, and is for smaller government as long as their social security and medicare aren't reduced.
you are on such a high horse the thin air must affect your brain
you posted
"From that, the op makes the leap that the DNC has "blamed" the TP for the Giffords shooting. ?

no no no THE OP never posted the DNC blamed the TP.NEVER
Please read it again and pay attention.
Somebody evidently didn't read the thread title:

DNC chair blames TP for Giffords shooting

Where the DNC chair is tantamount to the DNC....

I honestly can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. Wasserman-Schultz is the DNC chair. The title of the thread is, "DNC chair blames TP for Giffords shooting".


Do you really not hear vitriol in Hoffa's speech? He's talking about war and taking people out. He's also using the term "sons of *******". She's an effing hypocrite if she whines about discourse and does not condemn language such as that I've quoted.
I'll add that one person's vitriol is another person's inspiration but using the shooting of Gifford's (by an insane person that had nothing to do with politics) is completely irresponsible and dangerous.
this level of attack by DW is so low that it is grating to hear. both sides do it or at least some on both sides do.

My favorite grotesque attack was made by an Arkansas preacher back in 1964 when my hero Barry Goldwater (and yes, I still like him) was running against LBJ.

The usual stuff was bouncing around, Barry's a crackpot who will start a war, Johnson's a red (a predecessor to Clinton and Obama to righties), etc.

This preacher was a tad to the right of the usual pack and warned conservatives to beware of "that episcopalian jew, Barry Morris Goldwasser."

Cracked me up then and still gives me a chuckle. He was so paranoid he thought Barry was a closet lefty and threw in some conspiratorial jew baiting to boot.

Makes you wonder what the guy would do with the Kenyan born muslim communist America hater in the white house now. The worst I have read of Barry Obama is that he was the love child of his mom and Malcolm X, who was opening a mosque in Seattle at or about the time of is conception.

What would we do without lunatics to keep life interesting?


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