Disinterested professional seeking whatever


Ready to quit the corporate grind, sell the house, cash in the 401k and buy a double-wide on Lake Livingston. Anyone else contemplating a return to sanity and simplicity? I don't want any more stuff. I want fewer demands on my time.

What now.

I will be collecting your thoughtful responses. Winning entry gets a water pik.
New or used water pik?

Well you're a lot of help. Don't you recognize a postmodern cri de coeur when you hear one?
Joseph Campbell said, "When you follow your bliss, doors will open where you would not have thought there would be doors and where there wouldn't be a door for anyone else." I think I found a few of those doors opening along my way, discovering the exact field of study that interested me after working as a laborer for 4 years. Then finding the perfect job being created as if for me just after I got out of school, and twice being able to get a better job after being laid off in a RIF. Keep your eyes open and be ready to act.
OldHippie, you're spot-on. I've seen the same phenomenon many times in my own life. Little synchronicities and 'coincidences' that just show up, from the most unlikely places. Someone said "leap, and the net will appear." It's true, but the leap can still be scary when you don't see a net.

You get the water pik.
if you are over in that area there are many opportunities in the criminal justice system. No corporate grind but probably more stress than you are looking for.
Dude, be dropping out and move to a campsite off the beach at Santa Cruz. Pick up free veggies from the Salinas Valley road side stands, some cheap wine, a beach fire, and watch the grey whale migration.

As long as there's a spot.
Sounds like something I'll be ready for just don't have all my toys rounded up yet. RV is next. ..... but i often contemplate just moving to Austin and saying to hell with everything
jet ski check
Dirt bikes check
Street bike check
Jeep check

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