Disgusting bulletin board material- Okies

There is a special place in hell for someone who does this to an animal. Have seen this at tt, atm and at ou. Its always someone with an iq equal to their shoe size. I would like to think alcohol was involved but the way people take this crap, you never know. Its a terrible thing to do to an animal. Always thought higher of ok state but apparently they are not immune to idiotic behavior.

Whoever did this needs to spend some time naked in a pen with a pissed off longhorn. Then whatever remains of them should be in jail.
I read the animal died of natural causes and then moved. Who knows, but don’t believe everything you see on the interwebs.
That will do more damage to the school and recruiting then our *** kicking tomorrow.
I read your posts here and have not watched the video yet.
I'm concerned I'm going to go ape **** seeing an animal abused or killed.... I may watch later.
Which could have been done post mortem.

I'll withhold judgement until we know if they moved a carcass, or created one.
How would it be proved either way? So you believe it’s possible they found a dead Longhorn - somewhere - and dumped it in their own front yard and then cut its stomach? That’s far more bizarre than actually killing the animal.
How would it be proved either way? So you believe it’s possible they found a dead Longhorn - somewhere - and dumped it in their own front yard and then cut its stomach? That’s far more bizarre than actually killing the animal.
No, I believe they have a vet school there and one of the frats is called Farmhouse. Again, who knows?
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Supposedly there is info coming out that the cow was found dead on the Grandparents ranch of a rival frat member then transported to the Farmhouse frat location. Apparently these two frats have been leaving dead animals on each others doorsteps for a while. Too coincidental for it to be a Longhorn.
Supposedly there is info coming out that the cow was found dead on the Grandparents ranch of a rival frat member then transported to the Farmhouse frat location. Apparently these two frats have been leaving dead animals on each others doorsteps for a while. Too coincidental for it to be a Longhorn.
My first reaction to reading that was, “Damn, that’s crazy with the dead animals. Literally crazy.”

My second reaction was, “My best friend’s sister’s boyfriend’s brother’s girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who’s going with this girl who saw…”
The 10% rule kept my youngest son from attending the 40 acres, and relegated him to OSU. Has has graduated, but still have contact with various people still in Stillwater and/or connected to the school.

His information is the same that Crib above has suggested— Farm House and another frat have had a dueling dead animal war this year. This particular Longhorn died on a Grandfather’s ranch, and the offending frat (AGR I believe) decided to dump it on FarmHouse’s lawn.

Even assuming no actual animal cruelty was involved, the entire episode highlights very bad judgment!
It is absolutely amazing a LongHorn died the week of the CCG game with Texas
And on a warring frat boy's relative's ranch
How did the frat boy know about it?
Did the grandfather ok the fratboy and bros to come get it?
How big a vehicle would you need? Would you have a vehicle like that parked near the frat house?
Commin sense suggests adults knew the dead longhorn was being appropriated by the frat boy.