Did VY graduate?


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Can someone link me to the definitive answer to this question. He was interviewed by a Houston radio station yesterday, and the interviewers kept asking questions premised on him having graduated, and he did not contradict them. However, the Nashville Tennessean just came out with an article that mentioned he has one more class to take next spring. Any clear answers in the daily Texan or the Austin American Statesman or any other Longhorn website?
He was enrolled this past semester. I don't know if he's set to graduate next week or not, but if I had to guess I would say yes. On a side note, Durant will apparently be back this summer working on his degree. It will take him many summers. Nothing against KD, but I just dont see him finishing that. He would need like 4-6 summers.
In a titans radio interview yesterday he said he had one elective class left, and that he's gonna take next it next spring.
It'd take more than 6 summers to graduate for KD.

You can only have a maximum of 12 hours count each summer. Assuming he did the standard 30 hour load his freshman year, then the minimum number of hours he'd need to graduate on a standard degree plan would be 90 hours. Thats 8 summers.

And most people don't graduate exactly with 120 hours. And I doubt every required class is offered during the summer.

Yeah, I just don't see it happening either. Unless he enrolls during a fall semester, he probably won't get his degree.
I heard an interview he gave and I thought he said he needed one more course after completing the spring semester.

Edit: Did not mean to imply that he graduated
If he just needs an elective, why doesn't he just do it correspondence? Or he can do what my buddy did, and take the russian CLEP test, and mark C on every answer. He got 10 hours of B credit doing that.
in almost every degree requirement at UT, your final 12 hours have to be in residence. And correspondence courses don't count as residence courses.
you can walk and be short one course... you don't get a degree...

that's how i "graduated" short one course... i took one elective the next semester, just had to write a research paper (no innerwebs back then, though.)
maybe VY likes the environment and wants to take that last course on campus... and i think you're also required to take a certain amount of hours on campus
Vince held a football camp at Butler Stadium in Houston on Saturday. During an interview he said he needed one more course and plans to graduate next May

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